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Now downloading free:Hughes & Kettner Tube 50 Amp

Hughes & Kettner Tube 50 Amp free download

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Mfg:Hughes & Kettner
Model:Tube 50 Amp 🔎
Descr:Tube 50 Amp
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GD/ 18.11. 99 SERVICE DOCUMENTATION Tube 50 GD/ 18.11. 99 Inhaltsverzeichnis/ Contents 1 Schaltpläne/ schematic diagrams 2 Bestückungspläne/ component parts 3 Bestellnummern/ order no. 4 Bestellinformationen/ ordering informations 5 Technische Daten/ technical data GD/ 18.11. 99 1 Schaltpläne/ schematics GD/ 18.11. 99 2 Bestückungspläne/ component parts GD/ 18.11. 99 3 no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Bestellnummern/ order no. Tube 50 Combo + Head schematic position mains switch standby switch mains transformer output transformer P1 (CH2 gain A/ B) P2 (CH1 volume A) P3 (CH1 bass) P4 (CH1 treble) P5 (CH1 mid) P6 (CH1 master B) P7 (CH1 gain B) P8 (CH2 treble) P9 (CH2 bass) P10 (CH1 mid) P11 (CH2 master A/ B) P12 (power amp) P13 (presence) P14 (fx- mix) P15 (reverb) D25- D31 C55, C56 C57, C58 C59 TR1 Rel1- Rel4 T1, T2, T3, T8, T9, T14 T4- T7, T11- T13 IC 1 IC 2 IC 3 Tube1- Tube3 tube socket Tube4- Tube5 tube socket J1 J5, J6 name switch switch transformer transformer pot pot pot pot pot pot pot pot pot pot pot pot pot pot pot rectifier hv cap hv cap hv cap trim pot relay transistor transistor OP amp OP amp OP amp tube socket EL34B socket jack RCA jack specs 230V/ illum.:117V lampe 230V/ illum.:117V lampe 230V/ 117V/ 100V TAD TF- 125 250 K log, mono 1 M log, mono 1 M log, mono 250 K lin, mono 25 K lin, mono 250 K log, mono 1 M log, mono 250 K lin, mono 1 M log, mono 25 K lin, mono 250 K log, mono 500 K log, stereo 500 K lin, mono 50 K log, mono 50 K lin, mono 1N4007 220u/ 350V ax 33u/ 500V ax 15u/ 450V ax 50 K 24Vdc/ 2 x um BF245B BC546B NE5532A LM1458 TL072CN ECC83/ 12AX7A 9pin/ pcb mount DSS matched ** 8pin/ pcb mount ¼ phone jack mono " T- 709 ** DSS matched duos available; to order a single tube, please state the PC value indicated on the tube part no. E 950 030 E 950 030 E 958 088 E 958 085 E 914 044 E 914 047 E 914 047 E 914 043 E 914 041 E 914 044 E 914 047 E 914 043 E 914 047 E 914 041 E 914 044 E 914 046 E 914 030 E 914 034 E 914 035 E 934 023 E 926 016 E 926 014 E 926 006 E 915 012 E 946 008 E 938 028 E 938 009 E 940 004 E 940 011 E 940 018 E 944 007 E 944 003 E 944 017 E 944 004 E 952 038 E 952 045 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 switchboard S1 (amp mode) S2 (channel select) S3 (fx) S4 (reverb) S5 (midi learn) J1 T1- T4 FX- DI board S1 (fx ­10dB) J1, J2,J5- J7 switch switch switch switch switch jack transistor 2 x um 2 x um 2 x um 2 x um 2 x um MAB 6H BC546B E 950 001 E 950 001 E 950 001 E 950 001 E 950 001 E 952 013 E 938 009 43 44 switch jack 2 x um ¼ phone jack mono " E 950 001 E 952 038 GD/ 18.11. 99 no. 45 46 47 schematic position J3 IC 1 J1, J2,J5- J7 mains board J1 C1, C2 C3 name jack OP amp jack specs XLR jack TL072CN ¼ phone jack mono " part no. E 952 054 E 940 018 E 952 038 48 49 50 mains inlet MKT cap Y2 MKT cap X2 GSP 47n/ 250V/ Y2* 47n/ 250V/ X2* * replace only with same type E 952 087 E 920 121 E 920 059 GD/ 0

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