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File name:Class_1_3-Strand_Eye_Splice.pdf
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File name Class_1_3-Strand_Eye_Splice.pdf

eye sPLice 3-strand Class I Additional rope needed for splice: length of 16 crowns plus length of eye with thimble: length of 16 crowns plus 1/2 cerc. in feet. Class I ropes are made from any or all of the following fibers: olefin, polyester, or nylon. The eye splice is used to place a permanent loop in the end of a rope, generally for attachment purposes to a fixed point. An eye is also used to form the rope around a thimble, which is used to protect the rope, especially when it is to be attached to a shackle, chain or wire rope. Although the 3-strand splice is the most common splice, and simple to perform, technique is important to preserve splice strength. Take care that the tucks lie neatly; rope strength can be lost if the strands are twisted incorrectly. Getting Started: From one end of the rope, count back 16 crowns. Tape this section. Unlay the rope up to the tape then tape the end of each strand. Form the eye and tape the standing part of the rope. To avoid a twist in the eye of the finished splice, untwist the rope one-half turn between the pieces of tape. Crown (1 Pic) Apply tape to mark eye Standing part of line 1 3 4 C 16 row ns tucking first strand With a fid or your finger, raise a strand just below the tape on the standing part of the rope and insert the middle working strand under it and pull the strand through. Mark the first tucked strand with a single hash mark; numbering the working strands will help you keep track of the tucking process. step 2 step tucking second strand Pass the next working strand over the strand you just tucked under, then tuck under the strand just below it. Mark this strand with a double hash mark. step tucking tHird strand Turn the entire piece over. There is one working strand left to tuck and there is one strand left in the standing part of the rope that does not have a working strand under it. Make this tuck, continuing to work counter to the lay or twist or the rope. Mark this strand with a triple hash mark. The first round of tucks is complete. Tighten if necessary by pulling on the strand ends. When you tuck, take care to use all three strands in each round and that you tuck under a strand in the standing part of the rope and not under one of your working strands. st finisHing tHe sPLice To finish the splice, perform four more complete tucks. Tighten tucks if necessary. Both the front and the back of the splice should resemble the illustrations shown. Front of finished splice Back of finished splice ep 2090 Thornton Street Ferndale, WA USA 98248 (T) 360.384.4669 (F) 360.384.0572

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