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Kubler 715 free download

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Descr:preset counter
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Preset counter electronic Type 715 Your benefit · 5 digit preset counter with one preset point, add./subtr. · bright 5 digit LED display with 7,5 mm high characters · programmable as pulse counter, frequency meter or timer · Supply voltage: 230 V AC, 115 V AC or 11 ... 30 V DC · approval Further product features · display range ­19999 ... 99 99 with zero blanking · easy programming of preset pint; one key for each digit · Relay or optocoupler output · prescaling factor 0.001 ... 9.999 Technical data Supply voltage: Current consumption: Display: Polarity of input signals: Input resistance: Count frequency: 11 ... 30 V DC, with reverse polarity protection 115 V AC, 260 V AC max. 100 mA, 4 VA 5 digit 7 segment red LED display; 7.5 mm high characteristics programmable, all inputs in common. approx. 10 k via DIL switches separately selectable for INP A and INP B 30 Hz, 10 kHz (7.5 kHz for input mode E4) automatical reset 1 kHz without count losses (600 Hz for input mode E4) 5 ms DC supply voltages: Low: 0 ... 0.2 x UB [V DC] High: 0.6 x UB ... 30 V DC AC supply voltages: Low 0 ... 4 V DC High 12 ... 30 V DC variable (Schmitt Trigger characteristic) Output Relay: wit potential-free change-over contact switching voltage max. 250 V AC/300 V DC switching current max. 3 A, switching current for DC min. 30 mA switching performance: max. 50 W for DC max. 2000 VA for AC with open collector and emitter switching performance max. 30 V DC, 15 mA Relay: appr. 6 ms Optocoupler: appr. 1 ms min. 10 Years or 106 memory cycles 24 V DC ­40 %/+15 %, 80 mA unstabilized for AC versions 0 ... +50 °C ­25 ... +70 °C EN 50 081-1/EN 55 011 class B EN 50 082-2 IP65 (front) appr. 240 g, (AC-version with relay) Optocoupler: Responding time of outputs: Data retention: Transmitter voltage: Ambient temperature: Storage temperature: EMC: Protection: Weight: Min. pulse length of the control inputs: Input sensitivity: Pulse shape: Applications Operating modes Operating Counting modes starts at 1 0 2 3 preset value 0 Output signal at count value > preset value <0 = preset value Kind of signal permanent or timed signal permanent or timed signal timed signal and autom. reset timed signal and autom. reset length measuring batch counting 4 preset value =0 coil winding time control 110 Preset counter electronic Selection of basic function 1. Pulse counter Mode: see table Decimal point: 0 ... 3 decimal places (only optical function) Polarity: npn or pnp Input modes: E1: One count input and one count direction input. While this input is not activated the counter adds, if it is activated the counter will subtract. E2: Differential input, one up input and one down input E3: Quadrature input for two lines of count pulses 90° out of phase. Up and down counting is automatic. E4: Quadrature input with pulse doubling. Each pulse edge of count input "A" will be counted. Up and down counting is automatic. Prescaling factor: 0,001 ... 9,999 Output signal: Permanent signal

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