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Akai MPC1000 free download

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File name:Akai-MPC1000 music workstation.pdf
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Model:MPC1000 🔎
Descr:midi music production center
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File name Akai-MPC1000 music workstation.pdf

Music production Center SERVICE MANUAL 1 SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS 1. Parts identified by the symbol are critical for safety. Replace them only with the parts number specified. 2. In addition to safety, other parts and assemblies are specified for conformance with such regulations as those applying to spurious radiation. These must also be replaced only with the specified replacements. Examples : Noise blocking capacitors, noise blocking filters, etc. 3. Use specified internal wiring. Note especially : 1) Wires covered with PVC tubing 2) Double insulated wires 3) High voltage leads 4. Use specified insulating materials for hazardous live parts. Note especially : 1) Insulation Tape 2) PVC tubing 3) Spacers (insulating barriers) 4) Insulation sheets for transistors 5) Plastic screws for fixing micro switches 5. When replacing AC primary side components (transformers, power cords, noise blocking capacitors, etc.), wrap the ends of the wires securely around the terminals before soldering. INFORMATIONS SYMBOLS FOR PRIMARY DESTINATION Unit destinations are indicated with letters as shown below. Symbols A B E J V X1 X4 Principal Destinations U.S.A England Europe Japan Germany Japan Universal Area MAKE YOUR CONTRIBUTION TO PROTECT THE ENVIRONMENT Used batteries with the ISO symbol for recycling as well as small accumulators (rechargeable batteries), mini-batteries (cells) and starter batteries should not be thrown into the garbage can. Please leave them at an appropriate depot. PRECAUTIONS FOR LITHIUM BATTERY The lithium battery may explode when incorrectly replaced. [OBSERVE THE FOLLOEING WHEN REPLACING] Replace with the same make and type or equivalent recom mended by manufacturer. Place battery in correct polarity. Do not short the terminals. Do not charge battery. Do not dispose of battery in fire. 6. Make sure that wires do not contact heat producing parts (heat sinks, oxide metal film resistors, fusible resistors, etc.). 7. Check that replaced wires do not contact sharp edged or pointed parts. 8. Also check areas surrounding repaired locations. 9. Make sure that foreign objects (screws, solder droplets, etc.) do not remain inside the set. SAFETY CHECK AFTER SERVICING After servicing, make measurements of leakage-current or resistance in order to determine that exposed parts are acceptably insulated from the supply circuit. The leakagecurrent measurement should be done between accessible metal parts (such as chassis, ground terminal, microphone jacks, signal input/output connectors, etc.) and the earth ground through a resistor of 1500 ohms paralleled with a 0.15 F capacitor, under the unit's normal working conditions. The leakage-current should be less than 0.5 mA rms AC. The resistance measurement should be done between accessible exposed metal parts and power cord plug prongs with the power switch (if included) "ON". The resistance should be more than 2.2 M ohms. SERVICE MANUAL 2 I. SPECIFICATIONS General Display Memory card slot Dimentions

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