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A&T Labs K6 free download

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Mfg:A&T Labs
Model:K6 🔎
Descr:audio power amp
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > Audio > Professional
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File name A&T-K6-1 pwramp.pdf

K6 AUDIO POWER AMPLIFIER ASSEMBLY MANUAL A and T Labs Inc P.O. Box 4884 Wheaton, IL 60187 Tel: 630-668-7870 Fax: 630-668-7870 Web: Technical Support: [email protected] i A and T Labs K6 Audio Power Amplifier Assembly Manual Table of Contents Table of Contents ...i 1. INTRODUCTION ...1 2. HOW IT WORKS - CIRCUIT OVERVIEW ...1 2.1 AMPLIFIERS...1 2.2 INVERTER POWER SUPPLY...4 3. CONSTRUCTION...4 3.1 AMPLIFIER BOARDS ...6 3.2 INVERTER POWER SUPPLY...10 3.3 HEAT SINKS AND MECHANICAL ASSEMBLY...12 3.4 POWER SUPPLY FLANGE MOUNTED COMPONENTS...13 4. TESTING...13 4.1 INVERTER TESTING...13 4.2 ALTERNATIVE INVERTER TESTING CHECKLIST (If an oscilloscope is available) ...14 4.3 AMPLIFIER TESTING...15 5. FINAL ASSEMBLY ...16 6. OPERATING HINTS...17 © 2001 A and T Labs Inc. AMK6a A and T Labs K6 Audio Power Amplifier Assembly Manual 1 1. INTRODUCTION Congratulations! You are about to experience the satisfaction of building and owning one of the finest pieces of audio equipment around. Please read all of the instruction first, carefully, and then return to the beginning and start construction. We strive to provide complete information, but it is advisable to check the A and T Labs WEB site for any additional notes, changes, or hints that may be helpful. If you find errors or omissions or have sugges
File name A&T-K6-2 pwramp.pdf

File name A&T-K6-3 pwramp.pdf

File name A&T-K6-4 pwramp.pdf

File name A&T-K6-5 pwramp.pdf

File name A&T-K6-6 pwramp.pdf

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