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Application Note AN-1065 Procedures to Design 120VAC CFL Solutions with the IR2520D By Cecilia Contenti Table of Contents Page Overview...1 Typical Circuit for 120VAC CFL Applications ...1 CFL Ballast Design Requirements and Constraints ...3 Evaluation Reference Design IRPLCFL5U ...4 Design Procedure to Adapt the IRPLCFL5U Design to a Different Lamp ...8 Adapt the IRPLCFL5U to 18W Lamps ...9 Adapt the IRPLCFL5U to 32W Lamps ...12 Adapt the IRPLCFL5U to 42W Lamps ...15 This application note (AN) is intended for helping the design of CFL ballasts, 120VAC input using the IR2520D Ballast Control HVIC. The information enclosed will help in adapting the reference design IRPLCFL5U to different lamp types. Please refer to the IRPLCFL5U reference design and to the IR2520D datasheet for additional information on the design, including electrical parameters, state diagram and complete functional description. AN-1065 cover AN-1065 International Rectifier · 233 Kansas Street, El Segundo, CA 90245 ! USA Procedures to design 120VAC CFL solutions with the IR2520D By Cecilia Contenti Topics Covered Overview Typical Circuit for 120VAC CFL applications CFL Ballast Design Requirements & Constraints Evaluation Reference Design IRPLCFL5U Design procedur to adapt the IRPLCFL5U design to a different lamp Adapt the design IRPLCFL5U to 18W Lamps Adapt the design IRPLCFL5U to 32W Lamps Adapt the design IRPLCFL5U to 42W Lamps 1. Overview This application note (AN) is intended for helping the design of CFL ballasts, 120VAC input, using the IR2520D Ballast Control HVIC. The information enclosed will help in adapting the reference design IRPLCFL5U to different lamp types. Please refer to the IRPLCFL5U reference design and to the IR2520D datasheet for additional information on the design, including electrical parameters, state diagram and complete functional description. 2. Typical Circuit for 120VAC CFL applications The circuit used for driving a CFL lamp from a 120VAC line is always the same, independently on the lamp power. The circuit we suggest is shown in Fig. 2.1. 1 AN-1065 RSUPPLY DCP2 LAMP DBR2 F1 LF CBUS1 CVCC CF RFMIN CVCO DBR1 VCC 1 VB 8 MHS LRES IR2520 COM 2 FMIN 3 VCO 4 HO 7 VS 6 LO 5 CBS CSNUB CRES MLS DCP1 CBUS2 Fig. 2.1: IRPLCFL5U Circuit Diagram Some components, like the circuit to supply the IR2520 (DCP1, DCP2, CSNUB, RSUPPLY), CBS and CDC, do not need to be changed. The EMI filter, LF and CF, must be adapted to satisfy the EMI requirements of the application, but we will not get involved on this. The bus capa

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