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Bryston BP5 free download

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File name Bryston-Bp5 preamp.pdf

page 1 PART NO. TYPE/VALUE DESCRIP Rl , Rl , R2,R2' R3,R3' R4,R4' R5,R5' R6,R6' R7,R7' R8,R8' R9,R9' Rl0,Rl0' Rll,Rll' R12,R12' R13 ,R13 R14,R14 R15,R15' R16,R16' R17,R17' R18 ,R18 , R19 R20 R21 R22 R23 R39,R39' I I 49K9 lKOO lK2l 8K45 9OKg lOOR NOT USED l3K7 lKOO llOK lOOR 4K7 lOOK lKOO lKOO lOKO NOT USED NOT USED 220R NOT USED NOT USED NOT USED 3Kg lOOK !w/l% !w/l% !w/l% !w/l% !w/l% !W/5% !w/l% !w/l% !w/l% !W/5% !W/5% !W/5% !w/l% !w/l% !w/l% !w/5% tW/5% !w/5% contd. on page 2 ...~v., 6 1~t)"'Ce5 85 JUNE ~ page 2 PART NO. Cl,Cl' C2,C2' C3,C3' C4,C4' CS,CS' C6,C6' C7,C7' C8,C8' cg,cg' Cl0,Cl0' Cll,Cll' C12,C12' C13,C13' C14 C15 C16 C17,C18 C19,C20 C21-C24 C25 C26,C26' C27,C27' C28,C28' C29,C29' C30,C30' C34,C34' C48, C48' ,C14 , 3u3 220u 22p 33nf 330n 220u 680n 3u3 3u3 220u 3u3 22p 3u3 NOT USED NOT USED NOT -USED 4700u 47u lOOn lOn 22p 22p 22p 22p 22p 22Op 47n lO%/lOOv/polycarb. 6v3/electrolytic/axial ceramic 2%/63v/polystyrene lO%/lOOv/polycarb 6v3/electrolytic/axial 2%/l2Sv/polystyrene lO%/lOOv/polycarb. lO%/lOOv/polycarb. 6v3/electrolytic/axial lO%/lOOv/polycarb. ceramic lO%/lOOv/polycarb SOv/electrolytic/radia~ ,,~,,-,. ~ ~" SOv/electrolytic/radial lO%/lOOv/polycarb. 600v/ceramic ceramic ceramic ceramic ceramic ceramic 2%/2S0v/polystyrene lO%/lOOv/polycarb disc contd. on page 3 t&v.1IqtJ~£:85 6 JUNE 85 PAGE 3 PART NO. TYPE/VALUE DESCRIP Al ,Al . A2,A2' A3,A3' Dl --D6 Bryston Bryston Bryston lN4003 .5B-OA .5B-OA .5B-OA discrete discrete ~ operational operational amplifier amplifier Q9,QlO require heat sinks) amp (R:i6,,-R31 diode = 22R/!w; 200prv/lA green/Tl-3j4 LED-l Zl REG-l REG-2 Qll RLY-l Tl Fl MC7824CT MC7924CT NOTUSED NOT-USED 66vct/.25A 100vac/MDL*A 120vac/MDL2/10A 220vac/MDL1/8A DPDT 2P4T DPDT DPDT DPST RCA RCA XLR NOT USED lOOK lOOK ~ ,c~~ +24v/1A/TO-22013 -24v/1A/TO-220/3 ~"~~ "~~c" power slow transformer blow fuse/glass/*" x 1*" pin pin pos.volt.regulator neg.volt.regulator c p ::~~::::~: SW-l SW-2/SW-2' SW-3 SW-4 SW-5 Jl-J2 J3-Jl0 Jl1~J12 PJl -PJ2 Pl P2 PLl push button/alternate/pcb section mount rotary/dual push push push phono (as button/alternate/pcb buttonJalternate/pcb button/alternate/pcb jack/right angle/pcb mount mount mount/4A/250vac mount/gold plated above) mount !I J--'Ein/male/panel dual dual ganged ganged pot/front-log/rear-anti pot/log-log power plug log 3 cond/grounded/AC & cord/type SV-18/3 ~""'~ 6 JUNE 85

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