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mixing consoles TIMER USER/SERVICE MANUAL D&R Electronica Weesp b.v. rijnkade 15B 1382 GS WEESP, The Netherlands Phone: ++31 (294) 418-014 Fax: ++31 (294) 416-987 website: E-mail: [email protected] Power on Synchronisation if no time available, displays "3F.:86:00" "3F:86:00" Mode +Edit Long press Edit Display the date buffer Go to editmode to change the date Go to edit mode to change the actual time View the buffer clock buffer Toggle display between tens of seconds or hours Change timermode up, down, down/up en intro Save actual buffer and set intro mode Go to editmode to change timerbuffer View the timerbuffer Restore the timerbuffer and stop count Start and stop counting Displays the date on which the 'out' switches Go to editmode to change PCD date Go to editmode to determine PCD time View the PCD time out of the buffer Increment the digit above Increment the digit above Increment the digit above Increment the digit above Increment the digit above Increment the digit above Save the buffer and go back Clock Display Short press Mode Timer Intro Edit Reset Start/Stop Program Count Down (PCD) Mode +Edit Long press Edit Short press Editmode Mode Intro Extern Display Edit Reset Start/Stop Long press Short press This figure shows a short list of all functions. The boxes in the centre show the keys to change the functions in the active mode. The result of this activity is written in the box on the right side of the page. To toggle between operating modes push the upper-right button. See the other side for a functional description FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION OF TIMER MODULE The timer may operate in three modes. The clockmode, Timermode and Program-count-down mode (in short called PCD). The upper-right button selects the operating mode. CLOCK MODE The first mode is the Clockmode. After power-up and synchronising this mode is entered. This mode displays the actual time, when this is not right, you must enter the edit mode by pressing the edit key for about one second. A short push on this key displays the buffer. When the time has been edited you can press the start/stop button as soon as the edited time is actual. Now the timer continues with the new time. TIMER MODE The Timer mode is the second mode. In this mode you can select several counters for specific timing. You can select this mode by hitting the mode key. The LED's on the front indicate in which mode the timer operates, Count-up, Countdown, Count down/up or Count-intro. The start value of the timer may be entered by using the edit-function. For the Count-intro. mode a special key is made. When you start the timer (e.g. count-up) and you press the intro-key, the actual bufferstate is grabbed and put into the edit-buffer. With a reset, the edit-buffer is used for restart. The start/stop button is used to start and stop the timer. In the timermode you can also use the Airmix input. This input receives a faderstart, faderstop and/or a reset. When the signal on the tip is high the timer

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