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Denon CDM280 & 380 free download

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For U.S.A., Canada, Europe, U.K. & Australia model SERVICE MANUAL MODEL DCM-380/280 STEREO CD PLAYER 1 Some illustrations using in this service manual are slightly different from the actual set. 16-11, YUSHIMA 3-CHOME, BUNKYOU-KU, TOKYO 113-0034 JAPAN Telephone: 03 (3837) 5321 X-0162 NC 0211 DCM-380/280 2 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS The following check should be performed for the continued protection of the customer and service technician. LEAKAGE CURRENT CHECK Before returning the unit to the customer, make sure you make either (1) a leakage current check or (2) a line to chassis resistance check. If the leakage current exceeds 0.5 milliamps, or if the resistance from chassis to either side of the power cord is less than 460 kohms, the unit is defective. 2 DCM-380/280 3 BLOCK DIAGRAM 3 CD MECHANISM CD PICKUP WIRING DIAGRAM CP704 C3P101 CN101 CP705 CP502 CP401 TRANS CN301 JK302 POWER SWITCH DCM-380/280 CN802 FRONT SECTION CN801 SW701 CP402 CP501 CN706 4 MAIN SECTION CP403 AC CORD 4 DCM-380/280 5 DISASSEMBLY (To reassemble, reverse disassembly.) 1. TOP COVER Remove 4 screws A fixing the Top Cover and 5 screws A mounting the Rear Panel, then detach the Top Cover as shown in the arrow direction. 2. MAIN P.W.B. Remove 1 screw A , 2 screws B ,1 screw C fixing the Main P.W.B. and 1 screw B mounting the rear Panel; then detach the Main P.W.B. as shown in the arrow direction. 3. FRONT PANEL Remove 2 screws D mounting the Front Panel; 2 side screws B and 5 below screws A mounting the Front Panel, then detach the Front Panel as shown in the arrow direction. 5 4 DCM-380/280 4. CONTROL P.W.B. Remove 8 screws E mounting the Front Panel and 1 E screw fixing the Control P.W.B., then detach the Control P.W.B. as shown in the arrow direction. 6 5. BACK PANEL Remove 3 screws F mounting the Bottom Cover, then detach the Back Panel as shown in the arrow direction. Note: Only in 3x5mm, other screws can't be used. 6. LOADER ASS'Y Remove 1 screw G and 4 screws H mounting the Bottom Cover, then detach the Loader Ass'y as shown in the arrow direction. 6 DCM-380/280 7 SEMICONDUCTORS CXD3068Q WFCK WDCK PCMD EMPH VPCO XTAO XUGF LRCK VCTL GFS BCK MUTE XTSL XTAI C2PO V16M 71 72 69 59 60 58 11 13 68 10 17 14 65 66 67 3 37 TES1 FSTO 27 C4M 16 RFAC 50 ASYI 49 36 TEST Clock Generator EFM demodurator Asymmetry Corrector 32K RAM Digital OUT 63 64 MD2 DOUT Error Corrector D/A Interface 2 XRST ASYO 48 ASYE 62 BIAS 57 XPCK 12 FILO 53 FILI 54 PCO 55 CLTV 52 MDP 25 LOCK 24 PWMI 23 SENS DATA XLAT CLOK 7 4 5 6 Digital PLL Sub Code Processor Digital CLV SCOR 15 SBSO 79 EXCK 80 SCSY 78 SQSO 76 SQCK 77 CPU Interface Servo Auto Sequencer Signal processor block Servo block 73 SOUT 74 SOCK 75 XOLT SERVO Interface 8 19 SCLK COUT 26 SSTP 9 MIRR DFCT FOK SERVO DSP OPAmp Analog SW A/D Converter FOCUS SERVO TRACKING SERVO SLED SERVO PWM GENERATOR FOCUS PWM GENERATOR TRACKING PWM GENERATOR SLED PWM GENERATOR 33 FFDR 34 FRDR 31 TFDR 32 TRDR 29 SFDR 30

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