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Denon DNS1000 free download

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File name:Denon-DNS1000prof cd.part1.rar
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Model:DNS1000 🔎
Descr:professional CD player
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File name Denon-DNS1000prof cd.pdf

For U.S.A., Canada, Europe, U.K., Asia, China, Taiwan R.O.C., Korea & Japan model Ver. 1 SERVICE MANUAL MODEL DN-S1000 TABLE TOP SINGLE CD PLAYER For purposes of improvement, specifications and design are subject to change without notice. Please use this service manual with referring to the operating instructions without fail. Some illustrations using in this service manual are slightly different from the actual set. TOKYO, JAPAN X0208V.01 DE/CDM 0408 DN-S1000 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS The following check should be performed for the continued protection of the customer and service technician. LEAKAGE CURRENT CHECK Before returning the unit to the customer, make sure you make either (1) a leakage current check or (2) a line to chassis resistance check. If the leakage current exceeds 0.5 milliamps, or if the resistance from chassis to either side of the power cord is less than 460 kohms, the unit is defective. LASER RADIATION Do not stare into beam or view directly with optical instruments, class 3A laser product. 500V 1M (1) (2) (1) (2) 2 DN-S1000 DISASSEMBLY (Follow the procedure below in reverse order when reassembling.) 1. Bottom Plate (1) Remove 6 screws 57 and pull out Bottom Plate. 57 Bottom Plate 57 2. Top Cover unit (1) Remove 6 screws 61 and 2 screws 59. (2) Disconnect FFC Cable. (3) Detach Top Cover unit. 59 61 61 61 59 FFC Cable

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