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File name Hafler-DH110 preamp.pdf

THE PREAMPLIFIER DH-110 INSTRUCTIONS for ASSEMBLY and OPERATION LM132 $3.00 THE DAVID HAFLER COMPANY 5910 Crescent Boulevard, Pennsauken, New Jersey 08109 Please refer to this serial number in all communications regarding this equipment. DH-110 SPECIFICATIONS The numbers in parentheses refer to the paragraph in the IHF specifications manual which defines the test procedure. PHONO PREAMP SECTION Rated Output: 3 Wms, 8 Hz-105 kHz Maximum Output (3.5): 12 Vrms, 20 Hz-20 kHz at recording output Total Harmonic Distortion: Less than 0.0006% @ 1 kHz, 3 Vrms Frequency Response (3.13): +0, -0.25 dB, 20 Hz-20 kHz RIAA Equalization Accuracy: +0, -0.1 dB, 30 Hz-15 kHz Full Power Bandwidth: -6 dB, 4 Hz-210 kHz Sensitivity (3.7): 12.5 millivolts Maximum Input Signal @ 1 kHz (3.8): 300 millivolts; [3 V @ 20 kHz] Gain: 34 dB @ 1 kHz Input Impedance: 47,000 ohms in parallel with 30 pF; user adjustable. Plug-in capacitors are installed to increase this to 150 pF on Phono 1; 250 pF on Phono 2 Signal to Noise, weighted (3.12): 87 dB Slew Rate: 12 volts per microsecond LINE AMPLIFIER SECTION Rated Output: 3 Vrms, 4 Hz-210 kHz Maximum Output (3.5): 14 Vrms, 20 Hz-20 kHz Total Harmonic Distortion (3.4): Less than 0.001%, 20 Hz-20 kHz Frequency Response (3.13): +0, -0.1 dB, 20 Hz-20 kHz Full Power Bandwidth: -6 dB, 2 Hz-420 kHz Sensitivity (3.7): 50 millivolts Maximum Input Signal @ 1 kHz (3.8): 14 Vrms; volume control @ -20 dB Gain: 20 dB ± 1 d B Input Impedance: Greater than 25,000 ohms Signal to Noise, weighted (3.12): 90 dB Slew Rate: 12 volts per microsecond Rise Time: 2.5 microseconds maximum, Phono in / Line out, 10 Vp-p, 1 kHz square wave; load is 10,000 ohms in parallel with 10 nF Crosstalk (3.14): down 72 dB, any input to any output Separation (4.2): greater than 82 dB @ 1 kHz; greater than 52 dB @ 20 kHz Gain Tracking Error (4.4): less than 0.5 dB Maximum Output Noise: less than 350 microvolts, wideband less than 95 microvolts, `A' weighted [with 1 Kohm input termination, volume full CW] Bass Control: 217 dB @ 20 Hz, moving inflection, variable turnover Treble Control: ±17 dB @ 20 kHz, shelving @ 5 kHz, fixed turnover Filter Response: -3 dB @ 25 Hz; -6 dB @ 15 Hz; -12 dB @ 8.2 Hz; -25 dB @ 3 Hz Filter Cutoff (; 25 Hz; -12 dB/octave GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS Semiconductors: 30 transistors, 3 ICs, 12 diodes, 2 LEDs Inputs: 2 Phono, Tuner, Compact Disc or Video, 2 Tape recorders, EPL Outputs: 2 Tape (buffered), 2 Line, EPL, Headphone Jack Controls: Volume, Balance, Bass, Treble, Input Selector, Phono l/2 Selector, Monitor Selector, Mono-Stereo, Filter, External Processor Loop, Tone Control Engage, Power Intermodulation Distortion: Both SMPTE and CCIF IMD at operating levels from phono input to line output are below the residual of currently available instrumentation AC Supply Voltage: 100-130 and 200-260 VAC, 50/60 Hz Power Consumption: 3.5 watts AC Convenience Outlets: 3 switched, 5 amp continuous, 72 amp surge 1 unswitched, 5 amp con

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