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Harman/Kardon HK61 free download

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File name:HarmanKardon-HK61 amp.part1.rar
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Descr:integrated amplifier
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File name HarmanKardon-HK61 amp.pdf

The Harman Kardon Model HK61 0 INTEGRATED AMPLIFIER Manual 196A harmanikardon HK~IO The following marks found in the Parts list of this manual identify the models as follows: m : International model Black version 0 : International model CONTENTS SpECIFICATI~S._ ..._..._...__ ...-..._. ... _ ... .._ ..._... .._. 2 D Wi R 1 NG D 1 A@AM,._. 1 SASSEMBLY (-J(-J( pR~DURES._.__ ... I...-..._ .._... __..- -2 BL D 1 AGRAM ..._.,_ ... _..._.._ ..._ . _ ..._ AND PRmEDURES..._ ,.<.,"_ _. ..._.__... _...__. .. .2 C()NTR()L S AL 1 FUNCT 1 ()NS ..._. ... -_. ..._..._. . .._ _ 3 ..I ..._,_... ..." ...__._ ...-. .. .._-. @jMENT GENERAL UN 1 T PARTS L 1 ST_ . . . ___.. . . __,,._... . . . . . . _.. . . _. .4 GENERAL UN 1 T.. . __ . . . I. _.. . . _ , .I __ . . . . _.. ._I_ . . .". _. . . . ___. . . ._ . _ . . . . I _. . _. -. -5 4 SCHEMAT 1 C D 1 AGRAM . . . . . _ , .,I _.. ._,._ . . . _ _.. . . _.__.. ._-__._._._ . 1 3 PH600 PHON0 P.C.BOARD OPTION H()W TO l NSTAL L . . . . _.. _ _.. . I I _.. ._ _.. ._._...___..___..._._ -..._. . 1 5 GENERAL UNIT PARTS LIST . . . . . _.. . . . . . . . . _. . __... 15 P, C. BOARD ._ .,.,., .~ _.. . _,_ , .I._ _.._- . . . . . . __.. .__._ . . . . . . . . . __ ~<,._ _ _.." - ..__.._ . . 1 6 WIRING DIAGRAM . . . _.. . I_.. . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . _.. . . . _... . _-.. . .". . _ . . . ._ _.._ . 16 SCHEMAT 1 C DI),~/?,M.. . . . . ~. ._. . . . __.. . . _.. . __... . .-_... . I. __ . . . 1 7 EL ECTR 1 CAL PARTS L IST.,___ . . . .__.. . . . . _."I-. . . . _. . . . .1 8 . ."" . __ I._._ _____.-___ . . . .___ _._ __. . . . __... . . .-... ..1 2 fl. Cm BOARDS . . . . .___ . . . _.. . . . . . . . ._.. . ._ I.. ._.,_.. . ._ . . ._... _.. . _ . . . . . ._.. . .-. . . . __. 6 ELECTR 1 CAL PARTS L 1 ST_ . . . . __.. . . __ ,",.< _.. . _.. . . . . . _-_. . . . ._.8 harmanlkardon Parts and Service Office 60 Crossways Park West, Woodbury, N.Y. 11797 1112-HK61 O-A A9502 300 Printed in Japan HK610 \ SPECIFICATIONS Nominal RMS Output Power 8 S2,i kHz THD 0.1% 4 SZ, 1 kHz THD 0.3% High-instantaneous Current Capability (HCC) Half Power Bandwidth (THD 0.1%) Frequency Response (at -3dB down) Input Sensitivity (at 30W output) Tuner/CD: Option Phono (MM): Option Phono (MC): Signal to Noise Ratio Tuner/CD: Option Phono (MM): Option Phono (MC): Channel Separation (at 1 OkHz): Option Phono (MM): Option Phono (MC): IM Distortion Ratio (at 1 W): Limit Damping Factor (at 1 Hz): Phono-Overload Option Phono (MM): Option Phono (MC): Tone Control Characteristics Bass (at 50Hz) Boost Cut Treble (at 1 OkHz) Boost Cut DC Output Voltage (at 8S2) L channel R channel Idling Current (at 8S2) Dimension (W x H x D) Weight Power Supply Power Consumption Nominal Limit 106 2 90 109mV 5.6mV 1 OdB f 2dB 1 OdB f 2dß 1 OdB + 2dB 1 OdB f 2dB OmV i 60mV OmV + 60mV 75mA + 5mA 17.4" x 4.1" x 14.1" (44

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