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Harman/Kardon PX603 free download

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File name:HarmanKardon-PX603 multi expand.pdf
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Model:PX603 🔎
Descr:multi-room expander
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File name HarmanKardon-PX603 multi expand.pdf

AUDIOACCESS PX-603 MULTI-ROOM EXPANDER PRELIMINARY SERVICE MANUAL Harman Consumer Group 250 Crossways Park Dr. Woodbury, New York 11797 TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE MARCH 9, 2000 Madrigal Audio Laboratories P.O. Box 781 Middletown, CT 06457-0781 (860) 346-0896 FAX (860) 347-6251 # XXXXXXX [logo] [TITLE] MARCH 9, 2000 [PART NUMBER] AUDIOACCESS TROUBLE SHOOTING GUIDE Isolation of individual components is the key to successful system diagnostics . The vast majority of system failures in the field are due to installation difficulties and not component failure. Although easy to install and program, a small installation mistake such as a keypad not terminated correctly, may cause a failure that affects overall system operation. Most system failures, however, are not catastrophic. Once problems are isolated through the process of elimination, most system malfunctions may be repaired in the field. Some will require reprogramming or terminations, some may require replacing components in the field, while others will need factory service. The following guide lists some specific problem descriptions, describes some basic diagnostics, and offers some common solutions. Note - For any control related problems, first disconnect the keypad bus from the PX- 600. If the PX-600 operates normally through the front panel, there is a problem with the keypads or their connections. If the PX-600 does not operate with keypads disconnected, their may be a problem in the PX-600. KEYPAD RELATED Problem Encountered Find the problem component solution Keypad locked up - lights Unplug (isolate) all keypad wires Set DIP switches for correct zone, come on but no functions. from control unit and test unit room, & system. functions from front panel. System locked up Check Keypad (data bus) wire insulation Test each keypad on system is not inserted in between the wire and Zone or system locks up individually. the connectors. after ON button is pressed. Test using an alternate KPS Insure data bus wires polarity. addressed for the same zone. Intermittent keypad lock Replace KPS Processor assembly. up or control. For alternate front panel control of zones use the "ROOM" button for Check front panel Volume knob is not

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