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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 +15V HU0204-SP-R01_Preamp HU0204-SP-R01_Preamp.Sch PREAMP_OUT R1 470R R2 2K2 R6 220R 8 U7A MC33078P(MOT) +15V 8 MC33078P(MOT) U3A R35 220K 4u7/40V C4 To OUT-Board 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 JP1 MTA100-12P 1 VCC + 4 VEE -15V R7 47K 3 2 3K9 R8 R95 12K 1 VCC + VEE -15V 4 3 2 R17 47K R D J1 T TS SS S PRE_IN PRE_IN PREAMP_OUT D INSTRUMENT IN RM122-02 P13 RK16-B10K R16 R9 10K 47K L MASTER VOLUME AGND +15V LEAD_TTL C1 22p/100V-K C3 22p/100V-K R23 R107 R109 7K5 22K R108 22K -15V +15V 470R/1W D1 BZX55V_6V8 R111 LEAD_TTL U4D Q13 BF245B R110 2MEG2 +15V 2K2/1W R112 +7,5V -15V +15V -7,5V 16 8 7 Vdd Vss Vee A B C EN 11 10 9 6 +15V 2K2/1W R10 12K R3 2K2 FLORBOARD_IN To Controller-Board 1 2 FLOORBOARD 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 JP2 MTA100-16P HCF4053B R46 47R C 16 8 7 U5D C Vdd Vss Vee EN 6 HCF4053B U6D WARP_TTL A B C 11 10 9 CRUNCH_TTL MOD-DELAY_IN MOD-DELAY_OUT REVERB_IN REVERB_OUT CRUNCH_TTL LEAD_TTL WARP_TTL DAMP_TTL R117 LEAD_TTL A B C EN 11 10 9 6 POWERAMP_IN -15V 100K 16 Vdd Vss Vee Mains transformer for 230VAC - Type: HU0204-TR-R01-1B Mains transformer for 117VAC - Type: HU0204-TR-R01-1B Mains transformer for 100VAC - Type: HU0204-TR-R01-1B 8 7 HCF4053B JP8 +5V POWERFAIL 3 2 1 R G B +5V Power To Controller JST-S03B-EH HU0204-SP-R01_Power-Amp-Supply HU0204-SP-R01_Power-Amp-Supply.Sch 0V brown +7,5V POWERAMP_IN B MAINS SWITCH Type: Arcolectric C1353AL 230V = T1A 117V = T2A 100V = T2,5A 32VAC red JP4 FASTON-4.8-LG FASTON-4.8-LG JP5 B -7,5V +15V -15V +15V -15V +5V POWERFAIL +POWERAMP_OUT To +Speaker on the IN-OUT Board FASTON-4.8-LG JP6 MAINS To -Speaker on the IN-OUT Board -POWERAMP_OUT JP9 FASTON-6.3-LG AC2_IN AC1_IN +POWERAMP_OUT AC2_IN -POWERAMP_OUT AC1_IN AGND HEADPHONES_OUT HEADPHONES_OUT FASTON-4.8-LG JP7 0V blue To Headphones on the IN-OUT Board NA = not assembled part ----- EX = exclusive part, no alternative allowed HT = high temperature part, assemble with distance from PCB JP3 FASTON-4.8-LG 230V/117V/100VAC white A 32VAC red Title: MATRIX100 Logic/Connection A Version: 1 Date: 30.07.2004 Date: 30.07.2004 Revision: E Page: 1 66606 St. Wendel / Germany HU0204-SP-R01_jumper HU0204-SP-R01_jumper.Sch Number: HU0204-SP-R01-1E Drawn by: B. Schneider Checked by: B. Schneider PCB No.: 3 Pages All rights reserved. No part of this schematic may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the author. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Filename: HU0204-SP-R01_Log-FX.Sch 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 47p/100V-K C70 1K5 R34 1MEG 2 + R18 47K C2 VEE R 2u2/63V 3K3 7 R49 3K3 P4 R79 33K 150p/100V-K P1 6 100n/63V CLEAN TREBLE RK16-B250K U3B BR13 1 5 C17 680p/100V-K R PRE_IN PRE_IN R24 VCC 22n/63V C5 U1A NE5532A +15V 8 C11 C16 U1B NE5532A R47 TPTHTH25 TP1 C21 R20 47K PREAMP_OUT 3 PREAMP_OUT + 4

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