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File name HughesKettner-Vortex combo.pdf

GD/ 08.11. 99 SERVICE DOCUMENTATION Vortex GD/ 08.11. 99 Inhaltsverzeichnis/ Contents 1 Schaltpläne/ schematic diagrams 2 Bestückungspläne/ component parts 3 Explosionszeichnung/ explosion drawings 4 Bestellnummern/ order no. 5 Bestellinformationen/ ordering informations 6 Technische Daten/ technical data GD/ 08.11. 99 1 Schaltpläne/ schematics GD/ 08.11. 99 2 Bestückungspläne/ component parts GD/ 08.11. 99 3 Explosionszeichnung/ explosion drawings E 502002 E 502001 1 1 7 /1 0 0 V 230V E 958096 E 958095 1 1 7 /1 0 0 V 230V E 948002 E 948024 E 948025 230V 117V 100V E 976073 E 966010 E 974188 E 544012 E 952014 E 400069 E 982143 E 952041 E 982160 E 966037 E 950029 E 950006 E 952038 1 1 7 /1 0 0 V 230V E 959001 E 976059 E 9764314 E 974330 E 980101 E 976015 Name D a tu m S ie b d r u c k lo g o K e in e F a rb e D ru c k e K e in e O b e r flä c h e M u s ic & S a le s 2 0 .1 1 .9 9 R AL 9 0 05 B e z e ic h n u n g V o rt e x -T o p 2 3 0 V /1 1 7 V /1 0 0 V E 520048 E 974094 E 400068 E 976023 E 974094 E 982156 E 980001 E 976059 E 974330 E 974341 E 974286 E 974322 E 994104 E 974145 E 970314 N am e E 974340 D a tu m S ie b d ru c k lo g o K e in e F a rb e D ru c k e K e in e O b e rflä c h e M u s ic & S a le s 2 0 .0 9 .9 9 R AL 9 0 05 B e z e ic h n u n g V o rte x -4 1 2 GD/ 08.11. 99 4 no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Bestellnummern/ order no. Vortex Top schematic position mains switch (230V) mains switch (100/ 117V) mains transformer mains transformer P1 (clean vol) P2 (lead gain) P3 (lead voicing) P4 (lead master) P5 (bass) P6 (mid) P7 (treble) P8 (reverb) P9 (master vol) S1 (channel select) D16- D19 D20, D21 D22, D23 D24 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 IC 1 IC 2 IC 3 IC 4 IC 5 IC 6 name switch switch transformer transformer pot pot pot pot pot pot pot pot pot switch rectifier z-diode z-diode rectifier transistor transistor transistor transistor transistor transistor transistor transistor OP amp OP amp OP amp multiplexer OP amp OP amp specs 230V 117V 230V 100/ 117V 250 K log, mono 250 K log, mono 250 K lin, mono 10 K lin, mono 1 M log, mono 25 K log, mono 250 K lin, mono 10 K lin, mono 50 K lin, mono 2 x um 1N5404/ 3A/ 400V 15V/ 1,3W 7,5V/ 0,5W 1N4007/ 1A/ 1000V BC546B BC546B BD238 BD679 TIP142 Tip147 BC546B BF245B NE5532A NE5532A TL072 HCF 4053 LM 1458N TL072 part no. E 950 006 E 950 029 E 958 095 E 958 096 E 914 044 E 914 044 E 914 043 E 914 033 E 914 047 E 914 048 E 914 043 E 914 033 E 914 035 E 950 001 E 934 025 E 934 004 E 934 021 E 934 023 E 938 009 E 938 009 E 938 022 E 938 024 E 938 032 E 938 033 E 938 009 E 938 028 E 940 004 E 940 004 E 940 018 E 940 002 E 940 011 E 940 018 GD/ 08.11. 99 5 Bestellinformationen/ ordering informations Bestellinformationen und Ersatzteilbestellungen Deutschland: Music & Sales Leipziger Straße 3 D- 66606 St. Wendel Service Tel.: 06851/ 905 333 Fax: 06851/ 905 100 E-mail: service@musicandsale

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