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TUNER PAM-T ELECTRICAL PARTS LIST ( PAM-TUNER ) Ref No. Part No. Description Value Qty TUNER B'D A/PACK 3928009980 AM TUNER(FAM1-210V) ¼-ºÀÁ¤¹Ð AM TUNER PACK 1 C419 3509102530-T CAP CE B 0.001UF 50V J 0.001/50 1 C421 C423 3509103530-T CAP CE F 0.01UF 50V Z 0.01/50 2 C401 C403 C405 3509223530-T CAP CE F 0.022UF 50V Z 0.022/50 6 C417-418 C428 C400 C402 3509473530-T CAP CE F 0.047UF 50V Z 0.047/50 2 C411 3509104530-T CAP CE F 0.1UF 50V Z 0.1/50 1 C425 3529100110-T CAP CE RH 10PF 50V D 10P 1 C409 C424 3529330210-T CAP CE CH 33PF 50V J 33P 2 CF400-401 3908011001 FILTER SK107M3-AO-20 TOKO 10.7M 2 L3 2648399930 COIL PEAKING 0.33UH(PA-600RB) 0.33 1 L 2648699980 COIL CHOCK COMMON MODE PA-608R CHOCK 1 CON401-402 4428598304 WAFER LW-0640-4P LW-0640-4P 2 CON403 4428598303 CONNECTOR WAFER LW-0640-3P LW-0640-3P 1 CON400 4428598305 CONNECTOR WAFER LW-0640-5P LW-0640-5P 1 CON404 4355898203 CON ASS'Y 26P ASS'Y 26P 1 D401-405 D407-409 2058304100 DIODE IN4148M 1N4148 22 D411 D413-425 C414 3419510401 CAP AF 0.1UF 5.5V(EECF5R5U104) 0.1/5.5 1 C420 3409222871-T CAP AF RSG 0.22UF 50V 5 P 0.22/50 1 C413 3409247871-T CAP AF RSG 0.47UF 50V 5 P 0.47/50 1 C404 C406 C416 C430 3409210971-T CAP AF RSG 1UF 50V 5 P 1/50 4 C410 3409247971-T CAP AF RSG 4.7UF 50V 5 P 4.7/50 1 C407 C412 C422 C426 3409247071-T CAP AF RSG 47UF 50V 6 P 47/50 4 C408 3639274111-T CAP ECQ-V 1H274JL2 0.27UF 50V 0.27/50 1 F/E 3928009990 TUNER PACK (AM) TUNER PACK(AM) 1 Q411 2018211100-T FET N-CH 2SK 168D SANKYOELE 2SK 168D 1 L4 2628099940 COIL FM DET FM DET 1 IC400 2138013995 IC UPD1719G-014 12 D1719G-014 1 IC401 2168417994 IC LA 1145(FM IF) SANYO LA1195/1145(FM-IF) 1 C429 3609682120-T CAP MA 0.0068UF 100V J 0.0068/100(M) 1 C431 3609223120-T CAP MA 0.022UF 100V J 0.022/100(M) 1 C427 3609

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