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JBL PSWD110 free download

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Model:PSWD110 🔎
Descr:active subwoofer
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File name Jbl-PSWD110 actsub.pdf

PSW-D110/DPS-10 Powered Subwoofer SERVICE MANUAL JBL Consumer Products Inc. 250 Crossways Park Drive Woodbury, N.Y. 11797 1-800-336-4JBL in the USA A Harman International Company Rev F 2/2001 Amplifier/Subwoofer PSW-D110/DPS-10 SAFETY INFORMATION Warning Any person performing service of this unit will be exposed to hazardous voltages and the risk of electric shock. It is assumed that any person who removes the amplifier from this cabinet has been properly trained in protecting against avoidable injury and shock. Therefore, any service procedures are to be performed by qualified service personal ONLY! Critical Components All components identified with the IEC symbol in the parts list and the schematic diagram designate components in which safety can be of special significance when replacing a component identified with . Use only the replacement parts designated in the parts list or parts with the same rating of resistance, wattage or voltage. Caution This unit does not have a power switch. Hazardous voltages are present within the unit whenever it is plugged in. Before the amplifier is plugged in, be sure its rated voltage corresponds to the voltage of the AC power source to be used. Incorrect voltage could cause damage to the amplifier when the AC power cord is plugged in. Do not exceed rated voltage by more than 10%: operation below 90% of rated voltage will cause poor performance or may shut the unit off. List of Safety Components Requiring Exact Replacements F1 PWRCORD Fuse SLO BLO 1.25A 250V UL approved SPT-2 or better with polarized plug, UL approved wire with the hot side to fused side. Use with factory replacement panel strain relief only. Transformer. Use only factory replacement. Bridge diode. Use only factory replacement. 4700uF,50V electrolytic filter caps. Be sure replacement part is at least the same working voltage and capacitance rating. Also the lead spacing is important. Incorrect spacing may cause premature failure due to internal cabinet pressure and vibration. 10uF 50V electrolytic redial See Page 16 Service Bulletin Power output module. Use only factory replacement Faceplate. Use only factory replacement TRX1 DBR Leakage/Resistance Check Before returning the unit to the customer, perform a leakage or resistance test as follows: Leakage Current. Note there is no power switch on this unit. When the power plug is plugged in, the unit is live. Connect the unit to its rated power source. Using an ammeter, measure the current between the neutral side of the AC supply and chassis ground of the unit under test. If leakage current exceeds 0.5A, the unit is defective. Reverse the polarity of the AC supply and repeat. Resistance. Measure the resistance from either side of the line cord to chassis ground. If it is less than 500k ohms, the unit is defective. WARNING! DO NOT return the unit to the customer if it fails one of these tests until the problem is located and corrected. C1, 2 C6 SB2AMI Faceplate Air leak cover Use

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