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JBL SUB135S free download

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Cinema ProPack 600 SUB135S Amplifier/Subwoofer SERVICE MANUAL JBL Consumer Products 250 Crossways Park Dr. Woodbury, New York 11797 Rev1 04/03 Note: The SUB135S is part of the SCS135S system, which is part of the JBL Cinema Propack 600 system. Satellite loudspeakers 135SAT are replacement-only; order JBL part# SAT135. - CONTENTS BASIC SPECIFICATIONS...1 DETAILED SPECIFICATIONS ...2 OPERATION ...3 EXPLODED VIEW...4 TEST SET-UP AND PROCEDURE...5 BLOCK DIAGRAM...6 PCB DRAWINGS... ...7 ELECTRICAL PARTS LIST ...9 MECHANICAL PARTS LIST... ...11 INTEGRATED CIRCUIT/TRANSISTOR PINOUTS...12 SCHEMATICS...13 BASIC SPECIFICATIONS SUB135S Subwoofer Configuration: Woofer: Amplifier Power output: Floor-firing, bass-reflex ported enclosure 8" cone 100W Continuous RMS power @ 0.8% THD, 20Hz to 100Hz 2V p-p/47k ohms Width: 13 inches (330mm) Height: 15 inches (381mm) Depth: 14 inches (356mm) 30 lb/13.6kg LFE Input Voltage/Impedance: Dimensions: Weight: Occasional refinements may be made to existing products without notice but will always meet or exceed original specifications unless otherwise stated 1 SUB135S Cinema ProPack 600 SUB135S LINE VOLTAGE US 120vac/60Hz Asia 100vac/50Hz 100W Powered Amplifier Yes/No Yes Yes Hi/Lo Line 108-132 90-110 Unit Vrms Vrms Normal Operation Normal Operation Notes Parameter Amp Section Type (Class AB, D, other) Load Impedance (speaker) Rated Output Power THD@ Rated Power THD @ 1 Watt DC Offset Damping factor Input Sensitivity Input Frequency LFE Input Signal to Noise SNR-A-Weighted SNR-unweighted SNR @ 1W-unweighted Residual Noise Floor Residual Noise Floor Input Impedance Line input L&R , LFE Filters Low Pass (fixed or variable) Slope & Q Subsonic filter (HPF) Slope & Q Specification AB 4 100 0.08 0.1 10 Unit AB Ohms Watts % % mV-DC QA Test Limits n/a n/a 90 0.3 0.5 20 50 50 ±2dB 85 85 60 1.5 1.5 n/a ±2dB n/a ±2dB n/a Conditions Notes External Sink required for Class AB Z-curve required Nominal 1 input driven 22k filter 22k filter @ Speaker Outputs >75 DF 50 Hz 550 mVrms 100 dBA 85 dBr 65 dBr 1 mVrms 1 mVrms(max) Measured at speaker terminals, Output power 90 Watts THD 0.1 % Nominal Freq. To Rated Power rel. to rated power rel. to rated power rel. to 1W Output 1 input driven LFE input A-Weighting filter 22k filter 22k filter Using RMS reading DMM/VOM (or A/P) LFE Input termintated with 600 Ohms UsingA/P Swept Bandpass Measurement (Line freq.+ harmonics) Nominal >15 K ohms fixed -dB/Octave Hz dB/Octave Limiter (yes/no)

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