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Now downloading free:Matsui VP9505

Matsui VP9505 free download

VCR, VHS, tape drives service manuals and repair information

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File name:MaVP9505.rar
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Model:VP9505 🔎
Original:VP9505 🔎
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > Video recorders VCR
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File name MaVP9505.pdf

MATSUI VP 9505 Matrix Item See Model Book 6 6 6 Deck Exploded View ... VXA 1105 Deck Alignment ... VXA 1105 Deck Adjustment ... VXA 1105 1 Head Amp Diagram Data Input NOTE: Before performing of each adjustments, input the data as shown in Table 1. If there is an error in the data, the unit may indicate malfunction. INSTRUCTIONS 1. Press the Power button from Power-Off on the unit while pressing the AUTO key (ATR) on the Supplied Remote Control. The Initial Set Mode indicator will appear and the Address will blink. (Refer to Fig. 1) NOTE: If the Auto Set Up Function is working, the Initial Set Mode doesn't work. In this case, release the Function or wait until the Function goes to end. Release Method: Play back a video tape. 2. Adjust the Address with the SET + or - button of Supplied Remote Control and press the ENTER button. The Data will blink. (Refer to Table 1) 3. Adjust the Data with the SET + or - button of Supplied Remote Control and press the ENTER button. 4. Repeat the above steps 2 and 3 and input the Datas into the each Address. 5. After the Data input, turn off the Power. Fig. 1 ADDRESS INI INI INI ED EE EF DATA 04 48 INI F0 INI F1 INI F2 INI F3 INI F4 INI F5 INI F6 INI F7 INI F8 INI F9 INI FA INI FB INI FC INI FD INI FE D4 00 02 05 40 00 00 00 87 05 00 A0 ED 0F E6 0E Table 1 MATSUI VP 9505 2 Operation Display PCB Diagram MATSUI VP 9505 3 Power Supply Diagram MATSUI VP 9505 4 Scart AV Switch Diagram MATSUI VP 9505 System Control Servo Diagram 5 MATSUI VP 9505 6 Tuner Audio Diagram MATSUI VP 9505 7 Wiring Diagram MATSUI VP 9505 8 Y/C Diagram

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