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Freetech P6F91i free download

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File name:Freetech Scorpioni (P6F91i-2M)_(06.10.1999)_ p6f91i.pdf
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Model:P6F91i 🔎
Original:SLOT-1 🔎
Descr:Freetech P6F91i "Scorpioni" (Pentium 2) SLOT1 motherboard Manual PDF file
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File name Freetech Scorpioni (P6F91i-2M)_(06.10.1999)_ p6f91i.pdf

P6F91i Quick Reference intel Pentium II & Celeron CPU Soft-Menu Settings 1) Turn the system on, then press key to access the AWARD BIOS SETUP program. A "CMOS SETUP UTILITY" will display on the screen. Select "LOAD SETUP DEFAULTS" and type "Y" to load BIOS optimal setup. 2) After the BIOS optimal setting is set, at the top right hand side of the "Chipset Feature Setup" screen, there is a "CPU Speed" options. Refer to the table below and select the correct CPU speed. 3) Select "STANDARD CMOS SETUP" to set the Date /Time, Floppy drive type, and set Hard Disk Type to "Auto". 4) Select "SAVE & EXIT SETUP" and press the key to save the setting information in the CMOS memory and continue with the booting process. CPU Bus Clock=100MHz: CPU SPEED 350MHz 400MHz 450MHz *500MHz Soft-Menu Setting 100MHz 100MHz 100MHz 100MHz 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 R CPU Bus Clock=66MHz: CPU SPEED 233MHz 266MHz 300MHz 333MHz Soft-Menu Setting 66.6MHz 66.6MHz 66.6MHz 66.6MHz 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 NOTE: "*" Some higher frequency CPUs are not available yet, the clock setting for those CPUs are for reference only. FILE NAME: F96x-1.DOC 082498 Copyright Notice C Copyright 1998. The information contained in the user's manual and all accompanying documentation is copyrighted and all rights are reserved. This publication may not, in whole or in part, be reproduced, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, translated into any language or computer language, or transmitted in any form whatsoever without the prior written consent from the manufacturer, except for copies retained by the purchasers for their personal archival purposes. The manufacturer reserves the right to revise this user's manual and all accompanying documentation and to make changes in the content without obligation to notify any person or organization of the revision or change. IN NO EVENT WILL THE VENDOR BE LIABLE FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THIS PRODUCT OR DOCUMENTATION, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN PARTICULAR, THE VENDOR SHALL NOT HAVE LIABILITY FOR ANY HARDWARE, SOFTWARE, OR DATA STORED OR USED WITH THE PRODUCT, INCLUDING THE COSTS OF REPAIRING, REPLACING, OR RECOVERING SUCH HARDWARE, SOFTWARE, OR DATA. All trademarks mentioned in this document are acknowledged. The Specification on the manual is subject to change without notice. 2 P6F91i User's Manual Table Of Contents Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Overview 1.2 P6F91i Specifications/Features 1.3 P6F91i Mainboard Layout 1.4 Microprocessor 1.5 Pentium II Packaging 1.6 Chipset 1.7 Main Memory 1.8 Accelerated Graphics Port (AGP) slot 1.9 Enhanced IDE Support 1.10 Keyboard, Mouse and USB Interface 1.11 Real-time Clock, CMOS RAM and Battery 1.12 IrDA Infrared Support 1.13 Power Management 1.14 System Power On/Off Control 1.15 System Sleep / Resume 1.16 System Manageability 1.17 Wake On LAN (WOL) Chapter 2 Hardware Installation 2.1 Unpacking 2.2 Insta

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