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Now downloading free:KlarkTeknik DN360

KlarkTeknik DN360 free download

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File name KlarkTeknik-DN360 equal.pdf

OPERATORS MANUAL DN360 Klark Teknik Group, Klark Teknik Building, Walter Nash Road, Kidderminster. Worcestershire. DY11 7HJ. England. Tel:+44 1562 741515 Fax:+44 1562 745371 Email: [email protected] Website: Walter Nash Road, Kidderminster, Worcestershire. DY11 7HJ. England Tel: (44) (0) 1562 741515. Fax: (44) (0) 1562 745371 Company Registration No: 2414018 SI GN A L P R O CE SSI N G BY D E FI N I T I ON abc d abc BETTER BY DESIGN DESIGNED FOR APURE PERFORMANCE DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY We, Klark Teknik Group (UK) Plc of, Klark Teknik Building, Walter Nash Road, Kidderminster, Worcestershire, DY11 7HJ Declare that a sample of the following product:Product Type Number DN360 Product Description Graphic Equaliser Nominal Voltage (s) 115V AC 230V AC Current 60mA 120mA Freq 50/60Hz to which this declaration refers, is in conformity with the following directives and/or standards:Directive(s) Test Standard(s) UL 813 CSA 22.2 No1 M90 EN 60065 EN 50081-1 : 1992 EN 55022 Class B EN 50082-1 : 1994 ENV 50140/ 8-93 ENV 50140/ 2-95 EN 5014 1 : 1993 EN 60801-2 : 1993 IEC 801-4/88 Low voltage Directive 73/23/EEC EMC 89/336/EEC amended by 92/31/EEC & 93/68/EEC EMC 89/336/EEC amended by 92/31/EEC & 93/68/EEC EMC 89/336/EEC amended by 92/31/EEC & 93/68/EEC EMC 89/336/EEC amended by 92/31/EEC & 93/68/EEC EMC 89/336/EEC amended by 92/31/EEC & 93/68/EEC EMC 89/336/EEC amended by 92/31/EEC & 93/68/EEC EMC 89/336/EEC amended by 92/31/EEC & 93/68/EEC Signed:... Name: F. D. Merrey Jnr Date: 27th August, 1999 Authority: Managing Director, Klark Teknik Group (UK) Plc Attention! Where applicable, the attention of the specifier, purchaser, installer or user is drawn to special limitations of use which must be observed when these products are taken into service to maintain compliance with the above directives. Details of these special measures and limitations to use are available on request and are available in product manuals. A Subsidiary of Telex communications, Inc. THANK YOU FOR USING THIS KLARK TEKNIK PRODUCT To obtain maximum performance from this precision electronic product, please study these instructions carefully. Installation and operating the equaliser is not complicated, but the flexibility provided by its operating features merits familiarisation with its controls and connections. This unit has been prepared to comply with the power supply requirements that exist in your location. Precautions Before connecting the unit to the mains power, ensure that the operating voltage is correct for your local supply. It is important that you observe the following instructions if another voltage setting is required. Do not install this unit in a location subjected to excessive heat, dust or mechanical vibrations. Voltage Selection and Power Connection Connection is made by means of an IEC standard power socket. The rear panel voltage label, indicates the voltage required for satisfactory operation of the unit. Befo

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