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Now downloading free:Klipsch Aragon28K

Klipsch Aragon28K free download

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File name:Klipsch-Aragon28K pwramp.pdf
[preview Aragon28K]
Size:70 kB
Model:Aragon28K 🔎
Descr:power amplifier
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > Audio
Multipart:No multipart

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File name Klipsch-Aragon28K pwramp.pdf

5 4 3 2 1 S2 LISTEN D D J1 R1 25K BAL R31 R24 475 R25 5K R23 47.5K R6 10K R10 10K D2 D1N4148 R12 100 D1 D1N4148 5.6 +20V R8 3.92K Q3 2SA970 C3 1000uF 25V J2 R2 25K VOL R3 1K R21 475 R22 47.5K R5 1M Q1a 2SC3381 S3 C Q5 2SA970 Q7 VN0106N5 R17 1.5 R19 -20V 12K R27 10 J9 C J3 Q1b J4 OUTPUT R15 10K C1 J5 10uF R4 68.1K K1 J6 Q2a 2SA1349 Q2b Q8 UP0106N5 B R28 C2 15pF R16 5K R14 3.92K R26 25.5 10 J10 R20 1.78K R18 1.5 C5 .01uF B S1 RECORD Q4 2SC2240 R7 10K R9 3.92K R11 10K D4 D1N4148 Q6 2SC2240 R29 2.32K J7 R30 2.32K J8 R13 100 D3 D1N4148 R32 5.6 -20V TAPE OUT C4 1000uF 25V A Klipsch Audio Technologies Engineer Drawing Checked by 3502 Woodview Trace, Suite 200 Indianapolis, IN 46268 Date Dan Rapp Date Date 3-7-03 Title Line Preamplifier Aragon 28K Rev Date of 1 A Document ECN Sheet 1 B 1 Size Klipsch Audio Technologies Confidential -- Copying Prohibited 5 4 3 2 1

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