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File name:Krell-300i pwramp.pdf
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+VH + C64 + C66 R105 R106 R125 D D75 D C99 R121 R112 R111 +VP C73 D74 C55 Q57 Q58 Q59 Q60 Q28 Q30 Q31 R109 R122 Q38 Q53 R147 R114 R113 R149 Q70 Q64 Q65 Q66 D78 C R146 R123 Input R150 Q72 C68 F1 R127 R124 R141 R145 R104 + R129 R130 R131 R132 R103 C R143 R128 R137 R138 R139 Output R144 R142 R140 C62 Q69 Q67 C63 Q68 D79 R118 R117 R148 Q55 B R120 Q54 + Q71 B R133 R110 Q56 D68 Q34 Q36 C61 Q61 R134 R135 R136 Q62 Q63 Q29 -VP C75 D69 R119 R116 R115 R107 R108 R126 -VH C100 + C67 + C65 A Title Size B Date: File: 1-Dec-2003 F:\pcb1\krell kav300i.DDB Sheet of Drawn By: Number Revision A D +VH D25 R71 R61 R62 R53 D D24 Q44 Q38 Q53 R72 R63 R64 Q35 C17 Q32 D1 C R1 C R73 Input Hot R77 D2 Stage output R78 R2 Input Cold R74 R67 R68 Q33 R70 B D19 Q37 C18 Q41 Q43 B Q42 D3 D18 R69 R65 R66 R55 -VH C3 C4 R3 U1 A Title Size B Date: File: 1-Dec-2003 F:\pcb1\krell kav300i.DDB Sheet of Drawn By: Number Revision A D D 1 AC P1 D? F3 +VPR 2 F4 +VPL R201 R202 Q25 TO OP-97 +R R43 TO OP-97 +L 4 AC P2 C 3 + C94 + C95 + C86 + C49 C43 + + C44 C C21 C42 D39 C40 + C93 + C92 + C74 + C50 C45 + C46 C47 + C48 1 AC P3 D? F5 -VPR F6 -VPL AC P4 B 3 R203 R204 Q26 R44 TO OP-97 -R TO OP-97 -L 2 4 B A Title Size B Date: File: 1-Dec-2003 F:\pcb1\krell kav300i.DDB Sheet of Drawn By: Number Revision A

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