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Samsung SCH-N191 free download

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PORTABLE CELLULAR TELEPHONE SCH-N191 SERVICE PORTABLE CELLULAR TELEPHONE Manual CONTENTS 1. Exploded Views and Parts List 2. Electrical Parts List 3. Block Diagram 4. PCB Diagrams 5. Circuit Diagrams ELECTRONICS © Samsung Electronics Co.,Ltd. December. 2002 Pinted in Korea. Code No.: GH68-03414A BASIC. 1. Exploded View and Parts List 1-1 SCH-N191LSREL Main 1 2 4 7 5 6 9 8 3 10 11 12 13 15 14 16 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 1-1 Exploded View and Parts List 1-2 SCH-N191 Parts List Location No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Description FRONT COVER SPEAKER MIC KEYPAD DOME SHEET MAIN PBA LCD CONNECTOR COVER SPEAKER MOTOR VOLUME KEY ANTENNA REAR COVER RF COVER SCREW BATTERY SEC CODE GH75-02241B 3001-001199 GH59-00596A GH75-02242A GH59-00620A GH92-01356A GH07-00239A GH73-01268A 3001-001313 3101-001304 GH75-02108A GH42-00216B GH75-02240B GH73-01383B 6001-001639 GH43-00716A Remark SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 1-2 Exploded View and Parts List 1-3 Travel Adapter A 1-4 Travel Adapter Parts List TYPE A SEC CODE GH44-00383A REMARK - 1-5 Data Kit DATA KIT GH39-00131A SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 1-3 Exploded View and Parts List 1-6 Test Jig TEST JIG GH80-10502C TEST JIG CABLE GH39-00129A RF JIG CABLE GH39-00105A SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 1-4 Exploded View and Parts List 1-7 The connection of Test Jig DC POWER SUPPLY 8924C or 8960 WIRELESS COMMVNCATIONS TEST SET RF JIG CABLE TE ST JIG RS-232C PC CABLE TEST JIG CABLE SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice 1-5 2. Electrical Parts List Level 0 1 1 6001-001639 GH42-00216B SEC CODE Design LOC SCH-N191LSREL DESCRIPTIONS CH,+,M1.7,L5,ZPC(BLK),SWRCH18A,FP,NYLOCK NSB115(A)-0100800-SS,SCH-N191,-,-,50OHM,-,95.7+-1.0MM,-, -,LESS THAN 4.5 : 1 1 GH43-00716A ICP063047GH(800MAH),SCH-N191,LI-ION,800MAH,-,4.2V, -,3.7V,0TO+45C,800MA,-,WHT,-,1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 GH44-00184A GH68-03373A GH73-01268B GH73-01383B GH74-00152A GH92-01356A 0403-001387 0405-001035 0405-001035 0405-001035 0405-001035 0406-001005 0406-001083 0406-001083 0406-001104 0407-000115 0407-001002 0407-001007 0407-001038 0501-000225 0501-000225 0501-002202 0502-001201 0504-000167 0504-000167 0504-000167 0504-000168 0504-000168 0505-001165 0506-001004 0601-001402 ZD206 D360 D361 D404 D405 ZD205 ZD201 ZD203 ZD202 D204 D407 D406 U565 Q515 Q519 Q201 Q524 Q507 Q514 Q518 Q521 Q522 Q525 U676 LED510 TAD037EBE,SGH-N288,110V~240V,-,5.2V,-,-,-,AC/DC,-,-,SCH-N191,-,POLYESTER,-,-,90X52X0.05,WHT,-,-,SCH-N191,SI RUBBER,13.2X3.4X4.7,-,-,WHT,-,-,-,SCH-N191,URETHANE,PI4.1X6.0,-,-,WHT,-,-,-,SCH-A100,VINYL,T0.2,-,SCH-N191,SAMSUNG,INDA,MAIN PBA,-,-,-,-,UDZS5.1B,4.89-5.2V,200mW,SOD-323,TP 1SV279,15V,3nA,USC,TP 1SV279,15V,3nA,USC,TP 1SV279,15V,3nA,USC,TP 1SV279,15V,3nA,USC,TP SM05,6V/1mA,300,SOT-23 -,6.1/-/7.2V,150W,SOT-323-5L -,6.1/-/7.2V,150W,SOT-323-5L ES

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