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File name:Marantz-PM14Asupl amp.pdf
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Descr:integrated amplifier (supplement)
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File name Marantz-PM14Asupl amp.pdf

Service Manual CD PHONO LINE 1 PM14A / N1B, /N1G, /C1G, /E1G, /K1G, /S1G PM-14SA F N Integrated amplifier SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM ( P151 ) 21 25 29 32 38 LINE 3 40 48 CD-R TEMP 66 TAPE 52 19 17 15 14 13 12 10 7 4 2 0 INTEGRATED AMPLIFIER LINE 2 PM-14mkII BAL. UNBAL. (-dB) INPUT SELECTOR CD SELECTOR VOLUME REC CD-R TAPE TAPE SELECTOR OFF CD B LINE 1 LINE 2 LINE 3 PHONO A+B 4 ­ 6 (dB) 6 + BALANCE SPEAKERS A OFF 2 0 2 2 0 2 PHONES POWER BASS TREBLE SOURCE DIRECT CD-R COPY 4 4 ­ 6 (dB) 6 + 4 ON OFF LEFT RIGHT CD 21 PHONO LINE 1 25 29 32 38 LINE 3 40 48 CD-R TEMP 66 TAPE 52 2 0 (-dB) 4 19 17 15 14 13 12 10 7 INTEGRATED AMPLIFIER LINE 2 PM-14SA BAL. UNBAL. CD SELECTOR VOLUME INPUT SELECTOR REC CD-R TAPE TAPE SELECTOR OFF CD B LINE 1 LINE 2 LINE 3 PHONO A+B 4 Ð 6 (dB) 6 + BALANCE SPEAKERS A OFF 2 0 2 2 0 2 PHONES POWER BASS TREBLE SOURCE DIRECT CD-R COPY 4 4 Ð 6 (dB) 6 + 4 ON OFF LEFT RIGHT REMARK : This service manual explains them by extracting the different specifications of the "Cosmetics Parts" and "Preamp. PCB (P151) and Electrical Parts" were changed to new design for the model PM-14SA/PM-14mkII based on the model 74PM14/02B/ 02G. All other information is described in the service manual of the model PM-14 (Code number : 4822 725 51175 or 289J855010). The dispatch of the parts for after sales service has to be referred to this service manual, with the first priority. For this reason, please use this service manual with referring to the model PM-14 service manual without fail. HDAM Q151, Q152 Please use this service manual with referring to the user guide ( D.F.U. ) without fail. R PM-14SA / PM-14mkII 318J855020 MIT 3120 785 22390 First Issue 2000.07 PM-14SA / mkII PARTS LOCATION ( P151 ) Q152 Q154 Q156 Q158 Q160 Q164 Q168 Q162 Q166 POS. NO Q167 Q168 VERS. COLOR PART NO. (FOR PCS) DESCRIPTION PART NO. (MJI) HT111452A0 HT111452A0 4822 130 42999 TRS. 2SA1145 O OR Y 4822 130 42999 TRS. 2SA1145 O OR Y P151-MISCELLANEOUS L151 4822 158 60605 FERRIT BEADS (B-01-RT) L154 P201-µ-COM CIRCUIT BOARD 9965 000 01584 MICROPROCESSOR HU313JT000 TMP47CP200BN FC90050060 Q218 /C, /E, /K, /N, /S Q151 Q153 Q155 Q157 Q161 Q165 Q159 Q163 Q167 PARTS LIST POS. NO VERS. COLOR PART NO. (FOR PCS) DESCRIPTION PART NO. (MJI) POS. NO R175 R176 R177 R178 R179 R184 R185 R186 R187 R190 R191 R192 R193 VERS. COLOR PART NO. (FOR PCS) 4822 111 20407 4822 111 20407 4822 111 20415 4822 111 20415 DESCRIPTION PART NO. (MJI) NR01101140 NR01101140 NR01273140 NR01273140 NR01221140 NR01820140 NR01820140 GG05470160 NR01150140 NR01150140 RY02030050 C151 C152 C153 C154 C155 C156 C157 C158 C159 C160 C161 C164 C165 C166 C169 9965 000 01560 9965 000 01560 4822 123 30093 4822 123 30093 4822 123 30089 4822 123 30089 4822 124 80578 4822 124 80578 9965 000 05739 9965 000 05739 P151-VOL. AND PRE AMP. CIRCUIT BOARD P151-CAPACITORS FILM 270pF ±5% 100V OFC FILM 270pF ±5% 100V OFC MICA 5pF ±0.5pF 500V FE922H MICA 5pF ±0.5pF 500V FE922H MICA 22p

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