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Service Manual PLAY CD17AK /N2B, /N2G Compact Disc Player STOP PAUSE ALL TEXT TRACK INDEX RPT 1 COAX PLAY TIME TEXT 15 16 17 18 19 20 POWER OPEN/CLOSE COMPACT DISC PLAYER CD-17mk II REMARK : This service manual explains the differences between the 74CD17/22B/22G (CD-17MKII) and the CD17AK/N2G/N2B (CD-17MKII KI). All other information is described in the service manual of the model 74CD17/22B/22G (Code number : 4822 725 51178). The dispatch of the parts for after sales service has to be referred to these service manuals, with the first priority. For this reason, please use this service manual with referring to the model CD17MKII service manual without fail. The CD-17MKII KI is equal to the CD-17MKII except the following changes : POS. NO VERS. COLOR PART NO. (FOR PCS) DESCRIPTION PART NO. (MJI) POS. NO VERS. COLOR PART NO. (FOR PCS) DESCRIPTION PART NO. (MJI) C613 C614 C663 C664 J601 J602 J603 DN09 DN10 RN03 RN04 9965 000 08115 9965 000 08115 9965 000 08115 9965 000 08115 Removed 4822 290 61214 4822 290 61214 Removed Removed nsp PP16-AUDIO/POWER CIRCUIT BOARD 330µF 16V ARS 330µF 16V ARS 330µF 16V ARS 330µF 16V ARS RCA JACK L/R GOLD YKC21-3337 RCA 1P GOLD REAR PANEL RCA 1P GOLD REAR PANEL DIODE 1SS176 MA165 1SS254 30V 0.1A DIODE ZENER 3.9V RES. 1k ±5% 1/6W RES. 10k ±5% 1/16W OA33701640 OA33701640 OA33701640 OA33701640 Removed YT02010820 YT02010820 Removed HD30391000 Removed NN05103610 001B 001B 004B 005B 001G 002G 901G 901G L001 BLACK GOLD BLACK GOLD 9965 000 11397 9965 000 11398 nsp nsp nsp nsp nsp nsp 9965 000 08116 EXPLODED VIEW FRONT PANEL ASSY BLK FRONT PANEL ASSY GLD BRACKET BRACKET CHASSIS BOTTOM COVER REAR PANEL BLACK REAR PANEL GOLD BROWN MAINS TRANSFORMER TROIDAL 230V 356K248520 356K248530 nsp nsp nsp nsp nsp nsp TS46009060 Please use this service manual with referring to the user guide ( D.F.U. ) without fail. R CD-17mkII KI (/N2B/N2G) Printed in Japan 356K855030 MIT 3120 785 22820 First Issue 2001.11 CD-17mkII KI

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