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Service Manual STANDBY DISPLAY MUTE SR110 /F1S, /N1S, /U1S Receiver OPEN SR110 STANDBY DISPLAY MUTE OPEN VOLUME AMP BAND + TUNER MEMO TIMER PHONES WOW TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE 1. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ... 1 2. SERVICE MODE ... 2 3. WIRING DIAGRAM ... 3 4. BLOCK DIAGRAM ... 5 5. SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM ... 7 6. PARTS LOCATION (Pattern Side) ... 19 7. IC DATA ... 23 8. EXPLODED VIEW AND PARTS LIST ... 33 9. ELECTRICAL PARTS LIST ... 36 Please use this service manual with referring to the user guide ( D.F.U. ) without fail. R SR110 323W855010 MIT 3120 785 22710 First Issue 2001.09 SR110 3. WIRING DIAGRAM 3 4 4. BLOCK DIAGRAM 5 6 5. SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM 7 8 9 10 11 12 D1 4148 TUNER /N1S AM LOOP D2 4148 R10 10K C14 180 FM ANT C7 473K X-TAL1 R52 7.2MHz(12p/S) J18 330 C15 220 4.7K ANT RDS CLK LA 1 A 4 4 S C1 223 6 5 6 NC AGC GND R9 220 R2 22K 2 00011A MA A27N RDS DATA C16 221 X IN X-OUT 1 20 FM TUNER (KST-F404HA-5 4GANG) B S 2 SVC348 VCD R1 12K 3 CE1 GND R22 1K CE 3 2 1 S 3 1 19 ICO2 LC72131M 1 2 DATA IN C12 223K R23 1K DI A OUT 4 Q3 18 2 3 CLK A IN C143TK CLK1 R24 1K EC3 2.2uF/35 LO + 1 2 3 6 EC01 2.2uF/35 4 MO 60LMO 17 3 4 R26 4.7K R21 PD 1K 00007A DATA OUT R25 1K DO VT VCC 5 16 4 5 4 1 R20 Vdd 1K AM/FM + S 6 S 5 S 2 S 3 D-GND 6 6 15 R18 5.6K 5 D3 MTZ5.1V(1/2W) FM VSM MW/LW FM OSC C8 150 C51 104 R17 * IF OUT OSC OUT 7 Q4 7 14 6 R13 100K C143TK NC MO/ST AM OSC C41 020 IF REQ(MUTE) C9 102K 8 13 7 8 C43 473K EC14 47uF/16 + C42 103K + 25 R31 39K + + + + 18 13 + + EC17 1uF/50 R46 3.3K + + 15 EC18 0.47uF/50 16 + + EC21 10uF/16 + + 13 Vcc 12V FM R4 68 R11 12 8 9 22 CF1 L10.7MS3A CON 01 NC LO/DX IF COUNT C10 102K 10 11 9 C13 100p L-OUT R14 10 GND 4R7 C4 * R12 100 Q2 A114EK 11 R-OUT NC R19 100 R16 10K R28 10K R5 560 12 + EC5 10

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