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McIntosh MA6100 free download

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File name:McIntosh-MA6100 amp.pdf
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Descr:integrated amplifier
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File name McIntosh-MA6100 amp.pdf

MA 6100 PREAMP AMPLIFIER SERVICE INFORMATION STARTING WITH S E R I A L NO. AE1001 MA 6100 MclNTOSH LABORATORY INC. 2 CHAMBERS STREET BINGHAMTON, NEW Y O R K MA 6 1 0 0 P E R F O R M A N C E LIMITS PERFORMANCE Mclntosh audio power ratings are in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission Regulation of November 4, 1974 concerning power output claims for amplifiers used in home entertainment products. POWER OUTPUT 70 watts minimum sine wave continuous average power output, per channel, both channels operating into 8 ohms load impedance which is: 23.7 volts RMS across 8 ohms 40 watts minimum sine wave continuous average power output, per channel, both channels operating into 16 ohms load impedance which is: 25.3 volts RMS across 16 ohms OUTPUT LOAD IMPEDANCE RATINGS OUTPUT VOLTAGE At TAPE output: Aux, Tape, Tuner: 300 mV with input Phono: 300 mV with rated input; 1.2 volts with 1.0 mV input at 1000 Hz Tape Hd: 300 mV at 500 Hz with rated input DAMPING FACTOR 50 at 8 ohms output 100 at 16 ohms output INPUT SENSITIVITY AND IMPEDANCE Power Amplifier: 3 volts, 100,000 ohms Phono 1 and Phono 2: 2.5 mV at 1000 Hz, 47,000 ohms Tape Head: 3 mV, 47,000 ohms Tape, Aux, and Tuner: 300 mV, 250,000 ohms BASS CONTROLS + 16 dB to -16 dB at 20 Hz TREBLE CONTROLS + 16 dB to -16 dB at 20,000 Hz LF FILTER Active filter, 12 dB per octave rolloff below 50 Hz; 20 dB down at 20 Hz HF FILTER Active filter, 12 dB per octave rolloff above 7000 Hz; 20 dB down at 20,000 Hz GENERAL INFORMATION SEMICONDUCTOR COMPLEMENT 36 Silicon Transitors, 22 Silicon Rectifiers and Diodes, 2 Silicon Bilateral Switches, 2 Triac POWER REQUIREMENTS 120 Volts, 50/60 Hz, 50 watts at zero signal output, 380 watts at rated output MECHANICAL INFORMATION SIZE Front panel measures 16 inches wide (40.64 cm) by 5 7/16 inches high (13.81 cm). Chassis measures 15 inches wide (38.1 cm) by 13 inches deep (33.02 cm), including Panloc shelf and back panel connectors. Knob clearance required is 1½ (3.81 cm) in front of mounting panel WEIGHT 34 pounds (15.42 kg) net, 46 pounds (20.87 kg) in shipping carton 8 ohms or 16 ohms RATED POWER BAND 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz TOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTION 0.2% maximum harmonic distortion at any power level from 250 milliwatts to rated power per channel from 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz, both channels operating INTERMODULATION DISTORTION 0.2% if instantaneous peak power output is twice rated continuous average power or less per channel with both channels operating for any combination of frequencies 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz FREQUENCY RESPONSE 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz +0 -0.5 dB at rated power NOISE AND HUM Power amplifier: 95 dB below rated output Aux, Tape, Tuner: 90 dB below rated output Phono Input, Tape Hd.: 76 dB below 10 mV input MA6100 BLOCK DIAGRAM MA 6 1 0 0 TONE & VOLUME CONTROL NOTE 10 MA 6 1 0 0 PC B O A R D 0 4 4 - 5 1 4 LEFT CHANNEL PREAMP PC BOARD 044-512 RIGHT CHANNEL PREAMP PC BOARD 044-512 EQUALIZATION PC BOARD 044-420 PREAMP SECTION MA 6100 154-632 MA 6 1 0 0

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