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McIntosh MC2300 free download

Audio equipment,digital audio, home audio, professional audio systems service manuals and repair information

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File name:McIntosh-MC2300 pwramp.pdf
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Model:MC2300 🔎
Descr:power amplifier
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File name McIntosh-MC2300 pwramp.pdf

THE MclNTOSH MC 2300 SOLID STATE STEREO POWER AMPLIFIER Price $1.25 The Mclntosh MC 2300 is a high quality, extremely high power, solid state stereo amplifier. Because of the high power available it is necessary to emphasize some prudent and safe operating conditions. 1. Never connect or disconnect inputs or outputs while the amplifier is turned on. Loudspeakers can be damaged or destroyed by the high power available from the instrument. 2. Never operate the amplifier with the power cord plugged into an auxiliary AC power outlet on source equipment. The amplifier draws near 14 amperes at full power and damage to the source equipment can occur. 3. Do not operate the instrument plugged into an ordinary extension cord. Heavy duty extension cords (14 ga. or heavier) have adequate wire size and will not overheat. 4. Be cautious when lifting the instrument. It weighs 128 pounds. Make certain that what it is placed on can support the weight. Your MC 2300 Stereo Power Amplifier will give you many years of pleasant and satisfactory performance. If you have any questions concerning the operation or maintenance of this instrument, please contact: CONTENTS GUARANTEE... INSTALLATION... 1 3 HOW TO CONNECT...4,5 Stereophonic... 6 Monophonic... 7 FRONT PANEL INFORMATION... 8 CUSTOMER SERVICE Mclntosh Laboratory Inc. 2 Chambers Street Binghamton, New York 13903 Phone: 607-723-3512 PERFORMANCE LIMITS... 9 TYPICAL PERFORMANCE C H A R T S . . . . 1 0 Take Advantage of 3 years of FREE Factory Service . . . Fill in the Application NOW. TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION...11 BLOCK D I A G R A M . . . . 1 6 GUARANTEE Mclntosh Laboratory Incorporated guarantees this Instrument to be capable of performance as advertised. We also guarantee the mechanical and electrical workmanship and components to be free of defects for a period of 90 days from date of purchase. If such defects occur, Mclntosh Laboratory or one of its authorized agencies wilt repair the defect at no cost to the purchaser. This guarantee does not extend to components damaged by improper use nor does it extend to transportation to and from the factory or service agency. An application for a FREE THREE YEAR FACTORY SERVICE CONTRACT is included with this manual. The terms of the contract are: For Three Years from date of purchase -- 1. Mclntosh will provide all parts, materials and labor needed to return the measured performance of the instrument to the original performance limits free of any charge. The SERVICE CONTRACT does not cover any shipping costs to and from the authorized service agency or the factory. 2. Any Mclntosh authorized service agency will repair all Mclntosh instruments at normal service rates. To receive the free service under the terms of the SERVICE CONTRACT, the SERVICE CONTRACT CERTIFICATE must accompany the instrument when taken to the service agency. 3. Always have service done by a Mclntosh authorized service agency. If the instrument is modified or damaged, as a result of una

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