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File name:03_LcdDatasheet.pdf
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Size:510 kB
Mfg:fujitsu siemens myrica v32-1
Model:t32134 🔎
Original:s26361-k1037-v170 🔎
Descr:i need service manual for power supply psm 192-240 from solder thanks
Group:Electronics > Automobile > Electrical diagram
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File name 03_LcdDatasheet.pdf

L2032 4.0 8.5 13.5 (2x20) Unit: mm General Tolerance 0.5 mm 108.0±0.3 93.0 83.0±0.3 4-¿3.5±0.2 14-¿1. 0±0.2 6.5 11.5 4.0 Reflective/EL Backlight 5.5max. 1.6±0.2 LED Backlight 10.0max. 1.6±0.2 4.0 6.88 2.5 14 37.0±1.0 29.0±0.3 18.6±0.3 2.54 13 2.54X6= 15.24 11.5 8.75 5.2 6.88 8.75 2 1 5.2 31.4 2.8 4.0 2.8 6.3 18.25 73.5 116.0±1.0 16.25 11.3max. 4.0max. 11.1 15.8max. 4.0max. 3.7 3.2 0.65 0.6 0.05 0.5 PIN FUNCTIONS No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Name VSS VDD VLC RS R/W E DB0 DB1 DB2 DB3 DB4 DB5 DB6 DB7 Function GND Power supply voltage + 5 V Liquid crystal driving voltage L: Instruction code input. H: Data input L: Data write from MPU to LCM. H: Data read from LCM to MPU Enable Data bus line Data bus line Data bus line Data bus line Data bus line Data bus line Data bus line Data bus line 5.95 0.4 5.55 0.05 O PERATING I NSTRUCTIONS INTRODUCTION Seiko Instruments intelligent dot matrix liquid crystal display modules have on-board controller and LSI drivers, which display alpha numerics, Japanese KATA KANA characters and a wide variety of other symbols in either 5 x 7 dot matrix. The internal operation in the KS0066 controller chip is determined by signals sent from the MPU. The signals include: 1) Register select RS input consisting of instruction register (IR) when RS = 0 and data register (DR) when RS = 1; 2) Read/write (R/W); 3) Data bus (DB7~ DB0); and 4) Enable strobe (E) depending on the MPU or through an external parallel I/O port. Details on instructions data entry, execution times, etc. are explained in the following sections. READ AND WRITE TIMING DIAGRAMS AND TABLES The following timing characteristics are applicable for all of Seiko's LCD dot matrix character modules. READ TIMING CHARACTERISTICS V =5.0V ± 5%, V =OV, T =0 C TO 50 C O O DD SS A WRITE TIMING CHARACTERISTICS V =5.0V ± 5%, V =OV, T =0 C TO 50 C O O DD SS A Item Symbol Standard Unit Min. Max. 500 230 -- 40 10 -- 5 -- -- 20 -- -- 160 -- ns ns ns ns ns ns ns Item Symbol Standard Min. Max. 500 230 -- 40 10 80 10 -- -- 20 -- -- -- -- Unit Enable cycle time Enable pulse width High Level t CYCE PWEH tER, tEF tAS tAH tDDR tH Enable cycle time Enable pulse width High Level t CYCE PWEH tER, tEF tAS tAH tDSW tH ns ns ns ns ns ns ns Enable rise and fall time Address setup time Address hold time Data delay time Data hold time RS,R/W--E Enable rise and fall time Address setup time Address hold time Data setup time Data hold time RS,R/W--E READ OPERATION RS VIH1 VIL1 tAS tAH VIH1 VIL1 RS VIH1 VIL1 tAS WRITE OPERATION VIH1 VIL1 tAH R/W VIH1 PWEH VIH1 VIL1 tEr tDDR tDHR VIH1 VIL1 tAH tE1 VIH1 R/W VIL1 PWEH VIH1 VIL1 tEr tDSW tH VIH1 VIL1 tAH tE1 VIL1 E VIL1 E VIL1 DB0 to DB7 VOH1 * VOL1 Valid data tcycE V * VOH1 OL1 DB0 to DB7 VIH1 VIL1 Valid data tcycE VIH1 VIL1 Note: * VOL1 is assumed to be 0.8 V at 2 MHz operation. DATA READ FROM MODULE TO MPU DATA WRITE FROM MPU TO MODULE O PERATING I NSTRUCTIONS INTROD

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