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Now downloading free:Nakamichi SoundSpace9

Nakamichi SoundSpace9 free download

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File name Nakamichi-SoundSpace9 amp+cd.pdf

SS-9 General Service Manual Stereo Music System SoundSpace 9 AMFM Preset Random ST Memory Repeat Disc Track Remaining Time Vol. Memory No. Loud. i SS-9 General GENERAL 1.1. Product Code D210 Abbreviations for Destinations: CAN -- Canada CH -- China DA -- South America EP -- Europe HK -- Hong Kong JPN -- Japan KR -- Korea OTR -- Other TW -- Taiwan UK -- United Kingdom USA -- U.S.A. AUS -- Australia q Floor Stands (Option) · Floor stand for Main Unit · Floor stand for Satellite Speakers L/R 1.3. Cautions/Warnings (1) Product Safety Notice ! in the schematic Parts marked with the symbol diagram have critical characteristics. Use ONLY replacement parts recommended by the manufacturer. It is recommended that the unit be operated from a suitable DC supply or batteries during initial check-out procedures. (2) Leakage Current Check/Resistance Check Before returning the unit to the customer, make sure you make either (1) a leakage current check or (2) a line to chassis resistance check. If the leakage current exceeds 0.5 milliamp, or if the resistance from chassis to either side of the power cord is less than 240 k ohms, the unit is defective. WARNING -- DO NOT return the unit to the customer until the problem is located and corrected. (3) Protection of Eyes from Laser Beam To protect eyes from invisible laser beam during servicing, DO NOT LOOK AT THE LASER BEAM on the Changer. (4) Laser Caution CAUTION Adjusting the knobs, switches, and controls, etc. or taking actions not specified herein may result in a harmful emission of laser beams. This CD Player must be adjusted and repaired only by qualified service personnel. OBSERVERA! Sådana inställningar av rattarna, omkopplarna eller övriga kontrollknappar som inte är beskriva i bruksanvisningen kan resultera i farlig laserutstrålning. Justering eller reparation av denna kompaktskivspelare skall endast utföras av kvalificerad servicepersonal. OBS! Indstilling af knapper, cmskiftere og øvrige kontrolknapper, som ikke følger den i brugsanvisningen beskrevne måde, kan resultere i farlig laserudstråling. Justering eller reparation af denno CD-afspiller må kun udføres af kvalificeret servicepersonale. OBS! Justering av ratt, brytere og kontroller andre enn de som er beskrevet her, kan resultere i farlig laserbestråling. Justering eller reparasjon av denne kompaktdiskspilleren ma bare utføres av kvalifiserte fagfolk. HUOMAUTUS Jos nuppeja, kytkimiä ja säätimiä ym, säädetään tai laitetta käytetään toisella tavalla kuin on selostettu, tuloksena saattaa olla vaarallista lasersäteiden vuotoa. CD-soittimen säätö ja korjaus on jätettävä aina asiantuntevan huoltoteknikon tehtäväksi. 1.2. System Configuration The SoundSpace consists of the following units. q Main Unit (See pages 1-1, 1-2, ... in this manual) Controls entire of the System. Mainly consists of the following sections: · Control section (including the system control microprocessor) · Tuner section · Operation panel control section · CD player sectio

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