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File information:
Size:108 kB
Descr:I2c eeprom programmer
Group:Electronics > Software
Multipart: 0

Information about the files in archive:
Decompress result:OK
Extracted files:3

< v1.1 > partlist.txt - part list of EEPROM-8 programmer's hardware scheme.tif - picture of EEPROM-8 programmer's schematic diagram bottom.tif - picture of EEPROM-8 programmer's PCB bottom layer cros.tif - picture of EEPROM-8 programmer's cross bridge elements.tif - picture of EEPROM-8 programmer's elements placment on PCB eeprom_8.exe - EEPROM-8 executable file manual.txt - EEPROM-8 programmer's "User Manual" demo.exe - EEPROM-8 DEMO executable file
File name MANUAL.TXT

ħħħħħ ħħħħħ ħħħħħħħħħ ħħħ ħħħħ ħ ħħ ħħ ħħ ħħ ħ ħħ ħ ħħ ħħ ħħ ħħ ħ ħħ ħ ħħ ħħħħ ħħħħ ħħ ħħ ħħħħ ħħħħħ ħ ħħ ħ ħħ ħħ ħħ ħħ ħħ ħħħħħħħ ħħ ħħ ħħ ħħ ħ ħħ ħ ħħ ħħ ħħ ħħ ħħ ħħ ħħ ħħ ħħ ħ ħħ ħ ħħ ħħħħħ ħħ ħħ ħħ ħħ ħħ ħħ ħħ ħ ħħħ ħħ ħħ ħħ ħħ ħħ ħħ ħħ ħħ ħħ ħħ ħ ħħ ħħ ħħ ħħ ħħ ħ ħħ ħħħ ħħ ħħ ħħ ħħ ħħħħħ ħ ħħħħħħ ħħħħħħ ħħħ ħħħħħħ ħħħħ ħħħħ ħ ħħħ company since 1994 User manual for EEPROM-8 programmer v.8.61 author: MSc Robert Marchlewski contact mobile phone: +48 501 149755 e-mail: [email protected] Last update 28.09.1999 °ħ²°ħ²°ħ²°ħ²°ħ²°ħ²°ħ²°ħ²°ħ²°ħ²°ħ²°ħ²°ħ²°ħ²°ħ²°ħ²°ħ²°ħ²°ħ²°ħ²°ħ²°ħ²°ħ²°ħ² 1. Instalation (Payment and Registration steps) If You received or download StarterKit from MacRob company WWW page (or old Step 1. - make sure that You have IDE or EIDE hard disk on "PRIMARY" socket with "MASTER" set position, and pure DOS 6.xx - create some directory (eg. EE_DIR C: CD\ MD EE_DIR CD EE_DIR ) - copy EEPROM_8.EXE file into EE_DIR directory - execute EEPROM_8.EXE (program indicate some error) error - "licence.dat not exist" - leave EEPROM_8.EXE program by push some key - new HDD_ID.BIN file appear in EE_DIR directory - send money to MacRob company eg.: 1.) If You are from other area than POLAND send 15 USD to account: ------------------------------------ name: Robert Marchlewski account: PKO BP 1 odz. SZCZECIN 10204795-00909130-270-41 city: SZCZECIN state: ZACHODNIOPOMORSKI country: POLAND subject: EEPROM-8 ------------------------------------ (money transfer time up to 7 days) 2.) If You are from POLAND send 60 PLN by Yellow Post to address (jezeli jestes z polski wyslij 60 PLN przez Poczte Polska na adres) ------------------------------------ Robert Marchlewski ul. Bankowa 55/1 72-010 Police woj. Zachodniopomorskie POLSKA z dopiskiem "EEPROM-8 LICENCJA" ------------------------------------ (czas transferu pieniedzy do 3 dni) - send HDD_ID.BIN file to e-mail with Your back e-mail address and information about payment. - wait for answer from MacRob company (up to 4 days fro

Part Value C1 10uF/50V C2 10uF/50V D1 1N4007 D2 1N4007 IC1 4050 IC2 74HCT04 IC3 7805 JP1 DB25M JP2 DJK02 Power Jack Q1 BC238C Q2 BC238C R1 2k2 R2 1k R3 10k R4 1k R5 10k SOC1 TEX20 or DIL20

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