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File name Nikko-GammaV tun.pdf

ALIGNMENT TEST EQUIPMENT Allow a minimum of 10 minutes warm-up for test equipment and the tuner to be tested. Maintain rated line voltage. FM Signal Generator (FM SG) Oscillascope AC Voltmeter Distortion Meter MPX Signal Generator (MPX SG) Frequency Counter AM Sweep Generator (AM SG) DC Voltmeter FM SECTION 1 DISTORTION 1 GENERAL ALIGNMENT INSTRUCTION Always observe response curve on oscilloscope during alignment procedure: Do not apply signal from FM or AM stations. Apply signal from generator only. 2. Use of excessive signal from FM SG or AM SG can cause overloading of the tuner circuits. To properly align the tuner, adjust FM SG or AM SG output level control so that response curve on oscilloscope is not distorted. 1. 5.12 MHz ADJ; 76 kHz ADJ I MPX SIGNAL GENERATOR I I OUTPU T L-J AC VOLTMETER _ __INPUT I OSCILLOSCOPE FM SIGNAL GENERATOR STANDARD DUMMY 1 IZEXT GAMMA MOD INPUT TO FM ANTENNA TERMINALS V --_ ___ ___ --_ TO OUTPUT TRERMINAl_S L --- Figure 6. Test Equipment Hook-up FREQUENCY SYNTHESIS TUNER SECTION FM Front End Adjustment This adjustment is factory preset and should not need readjustment. 5.12 MHz Crystal Controlled Oscillator Adjustment. Set MAIN POWER switch (Sl I to ON position and POWER switch (S2) to OFF position. Connect frequency counter to test point "TP 1" (Photo 7). Adjust C917 (Photo 7) for 5.12 MHz * 20 Hz. 1 -TF5 - TF4 - TP5 -R316 - R315 -TPl 5-TP4 $-c917 Photo 7. Adjustment Points

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