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1 2 3 4 5 6 F F P1 V9 30KB INPUT A J2 2 4 1 E C11 22N K222E Q11 R11 3 V+2 1 2 3 AOY AOX V+ 9 OUTPUT A C12 1 K30A-Y AIY AIX 2 1 2 1 C61 2.2 R63 1K R62 7 2 33K C62 8 R65 2K2 R64 200K V-2 V-2 2 4 1 J4 E J8003 R12 1M R13 3K3 2.2 R15 330K 12K 6 U1B Q21 13 3 3.3 R61 330K 4558S V-2 V-2 2 D31 4148 R31 1M C31 47N 2 1 K30A-Y Q31 J8003 D21 4148 XON R51 1M C51 47N C71 2.2 XOFF 1 P2 2 3 V+2 INPUT B D 31 D41 4148 D51 4148 2 2 R73 1K R72 3 V9 30KB BOY BOX V+ OUTPUT B J3 2 4 1 C81 22N K222E Q81 R81 3 2 1 1 C72 2 R75 2K2 R74 200K V-2 V-2 2 4 1 J5 D C82 1 3 12K 4 U1A 5 33K BIY BIX 2 1 3.3 4558S J8003 R82 1M R83 3K3 2.2 R85 330K Q41 K30A-Y R71 330K 1 V- J8003 2 Q51 K30A-Y V+2 V-2 V-2 AIY BIY YOFF SIP9 JP1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 SIP9 JP2 AIX BIX XOFF XON AOX BOX V+ C V+2 YOFF REMOTE SWITCH V-2 V+2 YON AOY BOY C V- J1 2 4 1 R1 100 D1 LED R3 22K R5 10K R2 POWER ON 2 YON V+2 V+2 V+2 V+2 V+2 POWER 2 1K5 Q1 3 J8003 4 6 1 3 C1571G 1 R6 8K2 D4 LED J6 D3 4001 5 4 1 B V-2 B 5 TEST V-2 R4 3K3 C2 V-2 V-2 C1 100 R7 10K R8 1K 1 SW1B SW1A 2 J7001 SK22F02 V-2 V-2 V-2 47 V-2 V-2 V-2 V-2 V-2 V-2 12%(/6(/(&7521,&6 Barnerstrasse 42, 22765 Hamburg, Germany A Title Number: Date: - email: [email protected] A CIRCUIT DIAGRAM A/B-V Analog A/B Switcher 27-Jan-2000 Time: Size: A4 Sheet 1 Rev: 1 of All rights reserved - Copyright NOBELS Electronics All unspecified capacitors in uF, resistors carbon 5% 1 2 3 4 5 18:00:50 6 1 File: R:\$PRO\CMPCT\AB-V\DSGN\ABV1.SCH

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