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Onkyo TX7430 free download

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TX·7430 SER IAL NO. 32 58 ONKYO,~, SERVICE MANUAL aUARTZ SYNTHESIZED TUNER AMPLIFIER MODEL TX-7430 SAFETY-RELATED COMPONENT WARNING!! COMPONE NTS IDENTIFI ED BY MARK ON THE SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM AND IN THE PARTS LIST ARE CRITICAL FOR RISK OF F IRE AND ELECTRI C SHOCK. REPLACE TH ESE COMPONENTS WITH ONKYO PARTS WHOSE PARTS NUMBERS APPEAR AS SHOWN IN THIS MANUAL. MAKE LEAKAGE-CURR ENT OR RESISTANCE MEA SUREMENTS TO DETERMINE TH AT EXPOSED PARTS ARE ACCEPTA BLY INSULATED FROM TH E SUPPLY CIRCUIT BEFORE RETURNIN G THE APPLIANCE TO TH E CUSTOMER. TABLE OF CONTENTS Specification s Service procedur es Exploded view Parts list . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Circuit descr iption s Block diagram - Amp . section - Tuner section Block diagram of IC Packing view .. . . . . . . . . . . . Adjustmen t procedures Pc bca rd view/p arts list Power amp . . . . . . . . . . . . . FM /AM tun er Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pream p. . Remot e cuntrol . . . . . . . . . Switch Sp ea ke r L. _. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ... ... ... .. .. .. ... ... ... ., . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. _ _ . .. 2 3 . 4 . 5 6 12 13 14 17 18 Volume Schematic diagram Amp. sect ion Tuner sect ion Disassembli ng prccedu res . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2 1 25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 _ . . . . . . . . . 30 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1 3 1 32 32 " 23 27 33 ONKYO® AUDIO COMPONfNTS - 1 SPECIFICATIONS AMPLlr-IER SECTION Power Output : 45 watts per channel, min. RMS. at 8 ohrns, both channels driven . from 20Hz to 20kHz. w ith no more than 0 .08% TH D. 2 x 126 watts at 4 ohrns. 1kHz (DIN) 2 x 78 watts at 8 ohms, 1kHz (DIN) 2 x 70 watts at 4 ohms, 1kHz (DIN) 2 x 55 watts at 8 ohrns, 1kHz (DIN) 0 .08 % at rated power 0 .08% at 1 watt outpur 0.08% at rate d power 0 .08 % at 1 watt ouput 35 at 8 ohms 20 - 30 .000 Hz ± 1dB 20 - 20.000 Hz ± 0.8dB Phono : 2.5mV/50 kohms CD/Tape Play: 150mV/50 kohms Tape Rec: 150mV/3.5 kohms (phono) 120mV RMS at 'l k Hz , 0.08% THD Phono : 85dB (at 10rnV input, A weighted) 75dB (IHF A-202) CD/Tape: 95dB (A weighted) 80dB (IHF A-202) Bass: ± 10dB at 100Hz ±10dBatl0kHz Treble : -20dB Musi c ~1 Powe r Output : Continuous Po wer Outp ut: Total l l arm o ni c Di s tor tio n: IM Distort ioll : D~rllping Fa ctor: FroClu8 11 CY Responso: RIAA Ou via tio n: Se ns iti vit v aud lmp c d a n co : Pho no O vet lo a d : Signal-lo-Noisu Ratio : Tone COIlIIOls: MUl ing: TUNER SECTION FM : Tuning Rango : Usabio Sunsiti vitv: 50cJO Ouio rinp Snnsitivitv: Captut e Ralio: Imago Hei ectiou Ratio : Ir: Rojocli oll R~lio: Signal -lo -Noiso Rati o: Selecti vit y AM Suppression Ratio: l l arruo nic DIslortion : Froquuncv Rosp onso : St ore o Se par ari o n: 87 .5 108 .0MHz (50kHz steps) Mono : 12.8dBf. 1.2~V. 75 ohms 1.0\lV (S/N 26d B. 40kH z Devi .) 75 ohms DIN Stereo : 1 8.0dBf. 2 .2~V. 75 ohms 23~V(S/N 46dB. 40kHz Devi .) 75 ohms DIN Mono: 18 .0dBt. 2.2~V. 75 ohms 37.2d

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