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Kenwood KDC-305RG_3018R_3090R free download

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File name:KDC-305RG_3018R_3090R.part1.rar
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Model:KDC-305RG_3018R_3090R 🔎
Descr:Service Manual
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CD RECEIVER KDC-305RG/3018R /3090R/A/G/YA/YG SERVICE MANUAL © 2000-12 PRINTED IN JAPAN B51-7704-00(S) 2117 q KDC-305R Knob(RELEASE) (K24-3665-04) Knob(EJ) (K24-3653-04) Front glass (B10-3298-01:3018R) (B10-4002-01:/3093RG) (B10-4002-01:/3090RA/YG/YA) (B10-4003-01:305RG) Panel assy (A64-2214-02:3093RG) (A64-2214-02:3090RA/YG/YA) (A64-2215-02:305RG) Knob(Q) (K24-3652-04) KDC-305R 45Wx4 AUD COMPACT PTY DIGITAL AUDIO LOUD SCAN RDM REP PWR OFF T1 VOL ADJ MENU Knob(VOL) (K25-1256-03) Knob(1-6) (K25-1253-03) Knob(FM/AM) (K25-1255-03) Knob(CLK) (K25-1254-03) Mounting hardware assy (J21-9641-03) Plastic cabinet assy (A02-1486-13) DC cord (E30-4785-05:) (E30-4790-05:) Antenna adaptor (T90-0534-05) Lever (D10-4589-04) KDC-305RG/3018R/3090R/A/G/YA/YG BLOCK DIAGRAM 2 KDC-305RG/3018R/3090R/A/G/YA/YG COMPONENT DESCRIPTION qSWITCH UNIT(X13-9872-XX) Ref.No. Component Name IC1 LC75883E Q1 DTA114EKorKRA102Sor UN2111 Application/Function LCD driver key-matrix permission SW Operation/Condition/Compatibility Ready on key-matrix Ready on key-matrix, ON when the base goes "Lo" qELECTRIC UNIT(X25-8712-XX) Ref.No. IC1 IC2 IC4 IC6 IC7 IC8 IC11 IC12 Q10 Q20 Q40 Q50 Q51 Q53 Q55 Q70 Q101 Q102 Q201 Q223,224 Q251 Q301 Component Name UPD780058GC232 TDA7407D TDA7386 TDA7479D BA4911-V4 HD74HC27FP S-80830ANNP BR24C01AForBR24C01AF-W M24C01-WMN6TorS-24C01B 2SC4081or2SD1819A 2SC4081or2SD1819A DTA124EUAorUN5112 2SA1036K UMC2N UMC2N 2SD2375or2SD2396 2SC4081or2SD1819A 2SC4081or2SD1819A DTA114YUAorUN5114 2SC4081or2SD1819A DTC143TUAorUN5216 DTC114YUAorUN5214 DTC124EUAorUN5212 Application/Function System µ-COM. E-VOL. & N.C. MPX Power IC RDS decoder Power supply IC Mute gate IC RESET IC E2PROM B.U. detection ACC detection PREOUT mute driver SW 5V SW 14V Switch for power supply IC AVR for SERBO +B SURGE detection DSI SW PANEL 5V SW NOISE Buff PREOUT MUTE Power IC SVR SW FM Lo/DX SW Operation/Condition/Compatibility 3 input NOR gate x3 Detection voltage 3.0V Detect BU voltage Detect ACC voltage Mutes when base is "Lo" (controls Q221-224) ON when the base is "Lo". ON when the base is "Hi" (controls Q55) ON when the base is "Hi" (controls SW1 pin of power supply IC) Output issued when SW14V is on (base is "Hi") Detect SURGE voltage DSI LED turns ON when base is "Hi" ON when the base is "Lo" Mute applied to PREOUT (output) when base is "Lo" Turns ON when base is "Hi" and capacitor on SVR pin discharges Turns ON during Lo. SEEK when base goes "Hi" 3 KDC-305RG/3018R/3090R/A/G/YA/YG MICROCOMPUTER'S TERMINAL DESCRIPTION qTerminal Description Pin 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 Function AV CONT IC2 TYPE0 IC2 TYPE1 AVSS M MUTEL N.C AVREF1 ILLUMI L RES PANEL L DATAL L DATAS L CLK N.C N.C CH-DATAC CH-DATAH CH-CLK L CE N.C M RST M STOP MOSW PLL SCL AM+B FM+B M-SCL DSI LO/EJ SW3 R DATA R QUAL VSS1 SD IC2 SCL M-SDA PLL SDA IC2 SDA MUTE N.C AFC CH-REQH CH-CON N.C P MUTE SVR I/O

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