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Now downloading free:Pioneer SA510, SA528

Pioneer SA510, SA528 free download

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File name:Pioneer-SA510_528 amp.pdf
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Descr:integrated amplifier
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File name Pioneer-SA510_528 amp.pdf

r r StuEi lOm This additional service manualis applicable the HE and HB types. to The basicperformance the SA-510/HE of and HB typesarethe same the SA-510/KU as type. Please referto the SA-51O/KU service manual Y Z @ A P R .1 9 8 0 P r i n t e di n l a p a n 2. CONTRAST OF MISCELLANEOUSPARTS p.c. BoARD AssEMBLIEs Symbol Description KU type A F a m p l i fi e r a s s e m b l y Tone control assembly Switch assembly(A) Switch assembly (B) Volume assembly HB type HE type o The [, marh found on some component parts indicates the importance of the safety factor of the part. Therefore, when replacing, be sure to use parts of identical designation. Part No. GWK.143 GWG.1 37 GWS-212 GWS.213 GWX.457 GWK.1 54 GWG.144 GWS-238 GWS-239 GWX-492 GWK-1 54 GWG-144 GWS-238 GWS-239 GWX.492 H e a d p h o n ea s s e m b l y Fuseassembly GWX-458 GWX-493 GWX-494 GWX.493 GWX-494 OTHERS Part No. Symbol Description KU type Front panel assembly HB type HE type ANB-848 ATT-666 AEK-101 ANB.896 ATT-705 ANB-896 ATT-705 Arr A rur Arut Power transformer F u s e( 3 A ) F u s e( 1 A l AEK402 AEK4O3 AEK.4O2 AEK.403 AEK403 a F U 2 , 3F u s e( 2 . 5 A 1 F u s e( 2 . 5 A ) A ru+ Leverswitch (POWER) A56 ac1 A C e r a m i cc a p a c i t o r AC socket AC power cord Screw ASK-520 0.01/250v ACG-001 AKP-032 ADG-023 ABA-145 ASK-521 ASK-521 AKP.O44 ADG.O51 ABA.116 AKP-026 ADG.O41 ABA-1 6 1 PACKING ND FURNISHED ARTS A P Part No. Symbol Description KU type HB type HE type ( O p e r a t i n gi n s t r u c t i o n s E N G L I S H I Operating in

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