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Now downloading free:Pioneer CT110

Pioneer CT110 free download

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File name Pioneer-CT110 cass.pdf

(Dr:torueen' ORDER NO. ARP-215-O GT-llo Thisservice manual applicable the ZE type. is to Ce manueld'instructionse refdreau modede r6glage. frangais. en Estemanualde servicio tlata del metodode aiusteesclito en espafrol. STEREO CASSETTE TAPE DECK CONTENTS r. sPEcrFrcATtoNs 23. 4. 5. 6. 7. FRONT PANEL FACILITIES, , , . C I R C U |D E S C F | P T T O N. S .. . . . . T .. . BLOCK DIACBAI!1 DISASSEI\4BLY PARTS LOCATION EXPLODED VIEWS AND PARTS LIST , 2 3 10 12 l3 8. ELECTBICALPARTSLIST... 9. ]0. lt. PACKING P , C B O A B D SC O N N E C T I O N I A G F A I V D SCHEfu'IATIC DIAGRAN] 12- ADJUSTMENTS 2l 23 . . . . 24 27 30 PIClNEEFI ELEciTFIc!NIC FIoNEEFTELECTFONTC (UAAI tNC. r9e5E PToNEEF ELEcTFoNtc [EUFolPEI N.v. FIONEEE ELECTEIONIC CClFIFc'FATIclN OomnsuezSr,L Y Z G ) S E P . l q 3 2 P r l n r e di n J : p d n 1.SPEC|FtCATIONS Systems Compactcassette,2-channel stereo H e a d s . . . " H a r d P e r m a l l o yr e c o r d i n g / p l a y b a c ka d x 1 " . he " F e r r i t e "e r a s i n h a dx g 1 l \ 4 o t o r .. . ... DCservomotorx 1 W o w a n d F l u t t e r . . . . .No more than 0.05%(WRMS) .. ( N o m o r et h a n 1 0 . 1 7 % O l N) 'l F a s t W i n d i n g T i. m. e . . . Approximately 10 seconds . . {C-60tape) Frequency Response - 20dB recording: Normaltape . . . . . . .30to 16,000H2 (40 to 15.000H2 t3dB) Chrometape ...30to16,000H2 (40 to 15,000H2 i3dB) lvletal tape ...301o16,500H2 (40 to 15,000H2 l3dB) Signal-to-Noise Ratio D o l b y N R O F F . . . . . . .. . .. .. . . M o r e t h a n 5 T d B NoiseReductionEffect D o l b y N R O N . . . . . . . M . r et h a n 1 0 d B{ a t s k H z ) . o HarmonicDistortion No more than 1.0%(0dB) Input (Sensitivity/l\4aximum aliowable input/lmpedance) M I C ( L , R ) . . 0 . 3 5 m V / 5 7 m V / 1 0 . 5 k O , 6 m mi a m .j a c k d (Reference MIC impedance;250fl 1OkO) to LfNEflNPUT) . . . . . . . 50mV 25Vl75kO / Output (Reference level/Load impedance) LINE (OUTPUT) 45OmV/50kf,2 MISCELLANEOUS ...DC20V . 4 2 0 ( W )x 1 0 1 { H ) x 2 3 7 ( D ) m m ( 1 6 - 9 / 1 6 W ) x 4 ( H ) x 9 - 3 / 8( D ) i n . Weight(without package) . 3 . 3 k 9{ 7 l b 4 o z ) Dimensions P o w e R e q u i r e m e n .t s . , . r . . FURNISHED PARTS Connection cord DC Power cord NOTES: 1. R e f e r e n cT a p e s : N o r m a l& L H : D I N 4 5 5 1 3 / B L A T T e 6 or equiv. CrO, DIN 45513/BLATTT (CrOz ) or equrv. Reference Recording Level: fvleter 0dB indicating level ('l60nwb/m magnetic level = Phillips cassette reference level) Reference Signal:333H2 W o w & F l u t t e r : . J I S [ 3 k H z , w i t h a c o u s t i cc o m ( p e n s a t i o n w e i g h t e dr)m s v a l u e ]D I N [ 3 . 1 5 0 H 2w i t h , (weighted)PEAK valuel; DIN acousticcompensation 45507 Frequency Response:a Measuredat -20d8 level. D O L B Y N R O F , l e v e l d e v i a t i o ni s 1 6 d B w i t h o u t indication. Signalto Noise Ratio: o Measured the third harmoat nic distortion 3% level, weighted (DlN 45513/ B LATTT). Sensitivity: Input l

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