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Pioneer SX202 free download

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File name Pioneer-SX202 rec.pdf

(v)rrtoNeerl ORDERNO. ARP-230-O sx-?;0e(SX.2O2LI MODELSX.2O2 COMESIN SIX VERSIONS DISTINGUISI.IED FOLLOWS: AS Modol Volteg AM/FM STEREO RECETVER R6mrrks U.S.A.model Canada model General export model Australia model E u r o p e a nc o n t i n e n t m o d e l w i t h A M , L W b a n d r u n e r West Germany model with AM-LW band tuner SX-202/KU AC12OV nly o AC120V nly o AC11OV ,12OV,22OV and 240V {switchable} AC240Vonly AC22OV only sx-202/Kc sx-202/s sx-202lYP SX-202L/HE sx-202LlHEZ AC220V only o This servicemanual is applicableto the KU types. For servicingof tlte other types, pleaserefer to the additional service manual. o Ce manueld'instruction serefdreau modede r6glage, frangais. en . Estemanualde serviciotrata del m6todo de aiusteescritoen espaiiol. CONT E NT S 't. sPEctFtcATtoNs ... 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. F R O N TP A N E L F A C I L I T I E S PABTS LOCATTON . . . . . . . B L O C KD I A G R A M C I R C U I TD E S C RP T I O N S I PACKING E X P L O D E D I E W A N D P A R T SL I S T . . . V 3 4 5 6 8 9 8. 9. I1. P . C .B O A R D S O N N E C T I O N I A G R A M C D SCHEMATIC IAGRAM D DIALCOR STRINGING D REGLAGE AJUSTE. 12 t5 1 0 . E L E C T R I C A L A R T SL I S T P 1 2 . A D J U S T M E N T S. , . , 17 19 20 FICINEEFI ELECTFICINIC GCIFIPCIFIATION a I, Mesuno 1 Ljhome, Mesu.o-ku, Tokyo 1::3, Jspen PICINEEFI ELEC:THONICB lNC. 1925 E. oomnguez SE., Long Beach, go8lO u.S.A.. IUBAI PIGINEEFI ELEC?FIC,NlC N.V. Keerbenglssn 1, 2740 Beve.en, Eletg,um [EUnclPEI PICI|YEEFI ELECTFIEINICB AUBTFIALIA PTY. LTE!. 178-1821 tsounde.v Fosd, Bnaesde, Vrcco. a 3195. a.usc.atr YX O DEC. 1982 P r i n t e di n l a D a n 1.SPECIFICATIONS Amplifier Section P 0 C o n t i n u oA v e r a g eo w e ru t p uits 2 5 us w a t t s p e r h a n n mli,n . ,t 8 o h m f r o m * c e a s 4 0 H e r t z 2 0 , 0 0 0e r t z i t h n o m o r e w o H than0.3%o harmonic tolal distortion. Total HarmonicDistortion(40 Hertzto 20,000 Hertz, 8 ohms,from TAPE) continuousrated power output N o m o r et h a n 0 . 3 % poweroutput 12.5watts per channel N o m o r et h a n0 . 1 5 % 1 watt per channelpower output No more than O.2o/" Hertz= 4: 1, Distortion(50 Hertz:7,000 Intermodulation AUX) 8 ohms,fror;'r ratedpoweroutput continuous No morethan 0.3% 22 F D a m p i n g a c t o r( 1 k H z , 8 o h m s ) mpedance) I nput (Sensitivity/l PHONO ...2.5mV/5Okilohms ' 150mV/50kilohms T A P EP L A Y ( T . H . D . 0 . 1 %1 , 0 0 0 H 2 ) , L Phono verload evel O . . 150mV PHONO Output Level . 1 5 0m V TAPE REC ... A, B, SPEAKER Frequency Response ( PHONO RIAA Equalization) . 30Hz to 20,000H2t0'5dB ... l5Hzto50,000Hz+ldB TAPEPLAY Tone Control r9dB (100H2) B A S S. ... rgdB(10kHz) TREBLE Loudness frntour (Volum control setat-40d8 position) . . +8dB (100H2),+6dB (10,000H2) Hum and Noise(lHF, short circuited,A network) ...71d8 PHONOMM.. ...97d8 TAPEPLAY *UsableSensitivity CaptureRati. o (400kHz) Selectivity AlternateChannel (lkHz) StereoSeparation Frequency Response ..2.ft8

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