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File name QSC-DCM1 snd process.pdf

1 This document and the data disclosed herein or herewith is not to be reproduced, used, or disclosed in whole or in part to anyone without the written permission of THAT Corporation. 2 3 4 5 Rev A 6 Description PRODUCTION RELEASE PER ECO 5344 Date 6-28-02 Approved D D UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED: 1.0 All resistor values are expressed in Ohms. 1.1 All resistors are 1/4 Watt types with their tolerance and material coded into their value. VALUE 1%, Metal Film 5%, Carbon Film 0 Ohm to 0.99 Ohms 0R to 0R976 0R to 0R91 1 Ohm to 99 Ohms 1R00 to 97R6 1R0 to 91R 100 Ohms to 999 Ohms 100R0 to 976R0 100R to 910R 1k Ohm to 9k9 Ohms 1k00 to 9k76 1k0 to 9k1 10k Ohms to 99k Ohms 10k0 to 97k6 10k to 91k 100k Ohms to 999k Ohms 100k0 to 976k0 100k to 910k 1M Ohm to 99M Ohms 1M00 to 97M6 1M0 to 91M 2. All resistor networks are 2%, 1/8 Watt types with their values expressed in Ohms. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 B 305-0200 305-0200.SCH C C 305-0300 305-0300.SCH All capacitor values are expressed in Farads All 100n bypass capacitors are 20%, 50 Volt, Z5U, Ceramic Monolythic types. All non-electrolytic capacitors are 10%, 50 Volt, X7R, Ceramic Monolythic types. All NPO capacitors are 5%, 50 Volt, Ceramic Monolythic types. All MY capacitors are 5%, 50 Volt, Metalized Polyester types. All PP capacitors are 5%, 50 Volt, Metalized Polypropylene types. All PC capacitors are 5%, 50 Volt, Metalized Polycarbonate types. All electrolytic capacitors are 20%, 16 Volt (or higher), Aluminum Electrolyte types. All TA capacitors are 20%, 16 Volt (or higher), Tantalum Electrolyte types. 305-0400 305-0400.SCH 305-0500 305-0500.SCH 4. For complete information on any component please see the associated bill of materials. 5. All net names preceded by a / are active low signals. B A Checked: Proj. Eng.: Chf. Eng.: Production: 1 2 3 4 Date: Date: Date: Date: 5 THAT Corporation Title: 45 Sumner Street Milford, MA 508-478-9200 A QSC Digital Cinema Monitor DCM Front Panel & Power Amp (For 1, 2 & 3) Size: B Drawing Number: Revision: PC-000092-00 A Date: 28-Jun-2002 Drawn by: A. ARANDA Sheet 1 of 5 File: F:\DM\SH\SH000092\DEV_WORK\SH0092rA.DDB - Documents\SH0092rA.P 6 1 This document and the data disclosed herein or herewith is not to be reproduced, used, or disclosed in whole or in part to anyone without the written permission of THAT Corporation. 2 3 4 5 Rev Description 6 Date Approved VCC VCC 1 D RN1B RN1A RN1D RN1C RN1F RN1E RN1H RN1I 10k 10k 10k 10k 10k 10k 10k 10k From LED Logic SERLED RN2A 470R 14 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 11 12 13 10 SDI D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 SCLK RCLK LOAD OE 74HC589B 5 SDO 9 8 U1A RN1G 10k D 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 From Rear Panel VCC MODE SW1 SPST NO LEFT SW2 SPST NO CENT SW3 SPST NO RITE SW4 C SW5 SPST NO SURL SPST NO SURR SW6 SPST NO SUBW SW7 SPST NO DIAG SW8 SPST NO 10 3 2 5 4 7 6 9 2 1 470R 4 RN2B 470R 4 RN3B 470R 6 RN2C 470R 6 RN3C 470R 8 RN2D 470R 8 RN3D 470R 7 7 5 3 3 SCK FP SSKEYA SSKEYB 8 /CLIP 1 3 5 7 9

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