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DISASSEMBLY 1. TILT/SWIVEL REMOVAL 1) Set the monitor face downward. 2) Pressing the latch (a), carefully remove the Tilt/Swivel by pulling it upward. (a) 2. BACK COVER REMOVAL 1) Remove four screws (a) from the Back Cover. 2) Slide the Back Cover away from the Front Cabinet of the monitor. (a) (a) 3. TOP SHIELD REMOVAL 1) Remove four screws (a). 2) Remove four screws (b). 3) Remove two screws (c). 4) Remove three screws (d). (b) (a) (a) (a) (c) (a) (d) (b) (d) (b) (b) (c) - 11 - 4. TOTAL CHASSIS ASSEMBLY REMOVAL 1) Disconnect P901 (Degaussing pin), P701 (DY pin), P202 (Tilt pin), and P201 (Purity pin) from the Main PCB. 2) Disconnect P306 (GND Wire), P304 from the Video PCB. 3) Carefully separate the CDT Board Assembly from the CDT neck. 4) Discharge the remaining static electricity by shorting between the Anode Cap and the CDT ground. 5) Disconnect the Anode Cap from the CDT. 6) Remove four screws (a). 7) Remove the Total Chassis Assembly from the Main Frame. Anode Cap DY-Pin Tilt Coil CDT Earth Degaussing Coil Purity Coil P301 P302 P308 P304 P701 (a) P906 P402 L701 P403 P401 P902 P202 P201 P901 (a) (a) (a) 6. BOTTOM BRACKET REMOVAL 1) Remove five screws (a). 2) Remove the Bottom Bracket. (a) Bottom Bracket (a) (a) (a) - 12 - 7. MAIN BRACKET & CONTROL PCB ASS'Y REMOVAL 1) Remove eight screws (a). 2) Remove two screws (b). 3) Carefully remove the Interface Assembly from the Main PCB Board. 4) Remove the Control PCB Assembly from the Main Bracket. 5) Release four latches (d) from the Main Board Assembly. 6) Remove the Bottom Bracket. (a) USB Ass'y (b) (b) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (d) Control PCB Ass'y (d) Main Bracket - 13 -

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