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Now downloading free:SGS-Thomson IRF540

SGS-Thomson IRF540 free download

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IRF540 IRF540FI N - CHANNEL ENHANCEMENT MODE POWER MOS TRANSISTORS TYPE IRF540 IRF540FI s s s s s s s V DSS 100 V 100 V R DS( on) < 0.077 < 0.077 ID 30 A 16 A TYPICAL RDS(on) = 0.045 AVALANCHE RUGGED TECHNOLOGY 100% AVALANCHE TESTED REPETITIVE AVALANCHE DATA AT 100oC LOW GATE CHARGE HIGH CURRENT CAPABILITY 175oC OPERATING TEMPERATURE TO-220 3 1 2 1 2 3 APPLICATIONS s HIGH CURRENT, HIGH SPEED SWITCHING s SOLENOID AND RELAY DRIVERS s REGULATORS s DC-DC & DC-AC CONVERTERS s MOTOR CONTROL, AUDIO AMPLIFIERS s AUTOMOTIVE ENVIRONMENT (INJECTION, ABS, AIR-BAG, LAMPDRIVERS, Etc.) ISOWATT220 INTERNAL SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol VD S V DG R V GS ID ID ID M(·) P tot V ISO T stg Tj Parameter IRF540 Drain-source Voltage (V GS = 0) Drain- gate Voltage (R GS = 20 k) Gate-source Voltage Drain Current (cont.) at Tc = 25 C Drain Current (cont.) at Tc = 100 oC Drain Current (pulsed) Total Dissipation at Tc = 25 C Derating Factor Insulation Withstand Voltage (DC) Storage Temperature Max. Operating Junction Temperature o o Value IRF540FI 100 100 ± 20 30 21 120 150 1 -65 to 175 175 16 11 120 45 0.3 2000 Unit V V V A A A W W/ o C V o o C C (·) Pulse width limited by safe operating area July 1993 1/9 IRF540/FI THERMAL DATA TO-220 R thj-cas e Rthj- amb R th c-s Tl Thermal Resistance Junction-case Max 1 62.5 0.5 300 ISOWATT220 3.33 o o o C/W C/W C/W o C Thermal Resistance Junction-ambient Max Thermal Resistance Case-sink Typ Maximum Lead Temperature For Soldering Purpose AVALANCHE CHARACTERISTICS Symbol IA R E AS E AR IA R Parameter Avalanche Current, Repetitive or Not-Repetitive (pulse width limited by T j max, < 1%) Single Pulse Avalanche Energy (starting T j = 25 o C, ID = I AR, VD D = 25 V) Repetitive Avalanche Energy (pulse width limited by T j max, < 1%) Avalanche Current, Repetitive or Not-Repetitive (T c = 100 o C, pulse width limited by T j max, < 1%) o Max Value 30 200 50 21 Unit A mJ mJ A ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Tcase = 25 C unless otherwise specified) OFF Symbol V( BR)DSS I DS S IG SS Parameter Drain-source Breakdown Voltage Test Conditions I D = 250 µA VG S = 0 Min. 100 250 1000 ± 100 Typ. Max. Unit V µA µA nA Zero Gate Voltage V DS = Max Rating Drain Current (V GS = 0) V DS = Max Rating x 0.8 Gate-body Leakage Current (V D S = 0) V GS = ± 20 V T c = 125 oC ON () Symbol V G S(th) R DS( on) I D( on) Parameter Gate Threshold Voltage V DS = V GS Static Drain-source On Resistance On State Drain Current V GS = 10V Test Conditions ID = 250 µA ID = 17 A VG S = 10 V 30 Min. 2 Typ. 2.9 0.045 Max. 4 0.077 Unit V A V DS > ID( on) x RD S(on) max DYNAMIC Symbol gfs () C iss C oss C rss Parameter Forward Transconductance Input Capacitance Output Capacitance Reverse Transfer Capacitance Test Conditions V DS > ID( on) x RD S(on) max V DS = 25 V f = 1 MHz ID = 17 A VG S = 0 Min. 10 Typ. 18 1600 460 140 2100 600 200 Max. Unit S pF pF pF 2/9 IRF540/FI ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) SWITCHING RESISTIVE LOAD S

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