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Now downloading free:Adret 740A

Adret 740A free download

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File information:
File name:Eproms.rar
Size:11 kB
Model:740A 🔎
Descr:Eproms and Eeprom for Adret 740A, firmware #740-26-03. Please refer to readme.txt for detailed description (in French and in English).
Group:Electronics > Measuring equipment
Multipart:No multipart

Information about the files in archive:
Decompress result:OK
Extracted files:1
File name Readme.txt

[English translation follows French text] (E)EPROMs pour Adret 740A: A noter: il existe 2 versions de carte micro. Les dumps concernent la version à base de 2x 2764. Firmware: 740A-1.bin: dump EPROM 2764 #1, version 740-26-03 du 09/10/1987 740A-2.bin: dump EPROM 2764 #2, version 740-26-03 du 26/10/1987 EEPROM d'autocorrection de niveau des cellules d'attenuateur et ALC du baquet VHF: 740-2816.bin: dump EEPROM SEEQ DQ2816A-250 Modèle: 740A (0.1-560MHz) N° de série: 2022 Date fabrication: 07.09.1988 Version carte-mère (CPU board): 12 7697 02 Ponts de soudure sur la carte micro: A: Ouvert B: Ouvert C: Fermé D: Fermé E: Ouvert F: Ouvert G: Fermé REN: Fermé ---------------------------------------------------------------- (E)EPROMs for Adret 740A: Note: 2 versions are available for CPU board, dumps after are for version designed with 2x 2764. Firmware: 740A-1.bin: dump of EPROM 2764 #1, version 740-26-03 of 09/10/1987 740A-2.bin: dump of EPROM 2764 #2, version 740-26-03 of 26/10/1987 Attenuator compensation EEPROM: 740-2816.bin: dump of EEPROM SEEQ DQ2816A-250 Make 740A (0.1 to 560MHz) Serial #2022 Mfg.Date 07.09.1988 CPU board version #12 7697 02 Solder pads: A: Open B: Open C: closed D: closed E: Open F: Open G: Closed REN: Closed

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