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2 2 2 H A R T R E Y A V E . , E V A N S T O N , I L . 6 0 2 0 4 U . S . A . · A R E A C O D E 3 1 2 / 3 2 8 - 9 0 0 0 · C A B L E : S H U R E M l C R O General: The Shure Model M63 Audio Master is a unit designed to give maximum flexibility in the control of volume, bass response, treble response, and high and low frequency roll-off. The Model M63 works ideally as a Master Control Center when used in conjunction with the Shure Model M68 Series of Microphone Mixers. The M63 provides a means to equalize sound systems for correction of room acoustics, to reduce feedback, to provide special sound effects, to reduce stand and stage noise and for tape recording. The Model M63-2E Audio Master is similar to Model M63 except that it is designed to be connected to a 220-260 volt AC power line. All information on the data sheet for the Model M63 applies, except for those references to AC operating voltage and power line cord. OUTPUTS Microphone The receptacle marked MICROPHONE LEVEL OUTPUT is a dual impedance output selected by the switch above the receptacle. This output is designed to work into a balanced 25 to 250 ohm input, or, with the MICROPHONE IMPEDANCE selector switch in the Hi position, into an unbalanced high impedance microphone input on an amplifier or tape recorder. The receptacle is a professional three-pin male audio connector designed to mate with Cannon XL series, Switchcraft A3 (Q.G.) series or equivalent connector (Shure Part 95A548). See Figure A for output receptacle connections. Line The line output (binding posts) is on the rear panel and is designated 600 OHM BALANCED LINE OUTPUT. These terminals are numbered "3" and "2" and are in phase with correspondingly numbered pins in the microphone output connector. The adjacent ground terminal corresponds to pin I. While the line output may be used to drive lines of various impedances (150 ohms or greater), the VU meter is calibrated for use with a 600 ohm terminated line. The Audio Master features: l l l l l Five types of outputs ­600 ohms balanced line level ­High impedance, high level ­High impedance microphone level ­Low impedance microphone level, balanced ­Headphone jack for monitoring Inputs for two driving sources A VU meter to monitor audio level Continuously variable high pass and low pass 6 db per octave filters Bass and treble tone controls Auxiliary The phono jack marked AUXILIARY HI IMP OUTPUT is a high-impedance, high-level output designed primarily to feed a power amplifier requiring .5 to 2 volts, or the auxiliary or tuner input of an amplifier or tape recorder. N O T E : The microphone, line and auxiliary outputs may be used simultaneously if desired, to provide an isolated PA feed or to drive different pieces of equipment. Controls, Connections and Operation INPUTS The two high impedance inputs (phono jacks) marked HIGH LEVEL INPUTS are designed to accept high level signals from a microphone mixer such as the Shure M68, M68RM, etc.), tape recorder, A

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