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File name Sinclair-60 activefilter.pdf

FOREWORD This manual describes the Active Filter Unit (A.F.U.) module of Project 60. Part I of this manual is additional or alternative to the main manual and should be used in conjunction with this where the A.F .U. is to be used with . other modules of Project 60. Part I I of this manual is more technical and refers specifically to the A.F.U.: it does not cross refer to the main manual. PART ONE 7.1.2 General Considerations in Mounting and Layout This section is additional to section 2.5. The A.F.U. is electrically an extension to the Stereo 60 and for all normal purposes it is best mounted at the right hand end of the Stereo 60 as `an extra two knobs'. There is however no objection to its being several inches from the Stereo 60. If required the A.F.U. can be mounted above or below the Stereo 60, since these are unlikely to be problems due to hum pickup or instability. The wiring between Z.30s and Stereo 60 should however be as short as convenient. 7.2.3 Wiring 7.1 Assembling the Complete Project 7.1.1 introduction Addition of the A.F.U. to the existing Project 60 is simple since the layout in the main manual includes a space for the A.F.U. On the back cover of this manual is given a cut out overlay. This should be cut around its outline and pinned over the appropriate corner of the main layout diagram when the entire layout will be apparent. This section is additional to section 2.6. The wiring between A.F.U. and Z.50s is exactly the same as the wiring between the Stereo'60 and Z.50s mentioned in section 2.6.1, with the A.F.U. in place of the Stereo 60. The only additional wiring is that between Stereo 60 and A.F.U. which is best screened, as shown in fig. 7.1.3 However, if the A.F.U. is adjacent to the Stereo 60 these 7.2.4 Typical Performance Figures 7.2.5 Mounting Mounting of the A.F.U. is the same as for the Stereo 60 (section 3.5) except of course that the front panel cut out etc. will be a different size. A template for cutting the panel is given on the back page of this manual. 7.2.6 Power Requirements Power is connected to the AFU, positive to @ and negative through the earth wiring to @ or @ . The AFU will operate in this fashion from any voltage between 15 and 35, drawing up to 3mA max and is suitable for direct use from PZ5, PZ6 or any other power supply up to 35v. If used with PZ8 at a voltage from 35-50v the basic wiring is unchanged but an additional resistor of 4K7 should be fitted in series with @ (or if preferred replace R9 by 12K). Use for other purposes Size Front Panel PCB Supply voltage Supply Current Voltage gain at 1 KHz, (Filters at 0): Frequency response (Filters at 0) Distortion at 1 KHz and 250mV rms output H.F. cut off (-3dB point) variable between L.F. cut off (-3dB point) variable between Slope 90mm x 40mm 84mm x 64mm 15 to 35v 3mA max. 0.98 (-.2dB) -3dB at 25Hz and 28KHz -1dB at 35Hz and 20KHz 0.02% with 35v supply 28KHz and 5KHz 25Hz and 100Hz -12db per octave (both filters). If Projec

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