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JVC GR-D320,D325 free download

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SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS DIGITAL VIDEO CAMERA GR-D320EK, GR-D320EX, GR-D320EY, GR-D320EZ, GR-D325EG CD-ROM No.SML200602 GR-D320EKM, GR-D320EXM, GR-D320EYM, GR-D320EZM, GR-D325EGM[M6D122] For disassembling and assembling of MECHANISM ASSEMBLY, refer to the SERVICE MANUAL No.YF081(MECHANISM ASSEMBLY). Lead free solder used in the board (material : Sn-Ag-Cu, melting point : 219 Centigrade). COPYRIGHT © 2006 Victor Company of Japan, Limited No.YF129SCH 2006/2 CHARTS AND DIAGRAMS NOTES OF SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM Safety precautions ! The Components indentified by the symbol are critical for safety. For continued safety, replace safety critical components only with manufacturer's recommended parts. 1. Units of components on the schematic diagram Unless otherwise specified. 1) All resistance values are in ohm. 1/6 W, 1/8 W (refer to parts list). Chip resistors are 1/16 W. K: K(1000), M: M (1000K) 2) All capacitance values are in µF, (P: PF). 3) All inductance values are in µH, (m: mH). 4) All diodes are 1SS133, MA165 or 1N4148M (refer to parts list). Note: The Parts Number, value and rated voltage etc. in the Schematic Diagram are for references only. When replacing the parts, refer to the Parts List. 2. Indications of control voltage AUX : Active at high. AUX or AUX(L) : Active at low. Playback and recording signal path Recording signal path (including E-E signal path) Capstan servo path CIRCUIT BOARD NOTES 1. Foil and Component sides 1) Foil side (B side) : Parts on the foil side seen from foil face (pattern face) are indicated. 2) Component side (A side) : Parts on the component side seen from component face (parts face) indicated. rts location are indicated by guide scale on the circuit board. 2. Parts location guides Parts location are indicated by guide scale on the circuit board. 1 2 1.8 PB and REC modes (Voltage of PB and REC modes are the same) 3 REF No. IC101 B : Foil side (A : Component side) C : Chip component D : Discrete component) LOCATION IC B C Category : IC 6A Horizontal "A" zone Vertical "6" zone 4. Voltage measurement 1) Regulator (DC/DC CONV) circuits REC : Colour bar signal. PB : Alignment tape (Colour bar). -- : Unmeasurable or unnecessary to measure. 2) Indication on schematic diagram Voltage indications for REC and PB mode on the schematic diagram are as shown below. REC mode 2.5 (5.0) PB mode Note: If the voltages are not indicated on the schematic diagram, refer to the voltage charts. 5. Signal path Symbols The arrows indicate the signal path as follows. NOTE : The arrow is DVC unique object. Playback signal path Note: For general information in service manual, please refer to the Service Manual of GENERAL INFORMATION Edition 4 No. 82054D (January 1994). 3. Interpreting Connector indications 1 2 3 1 2 3 Removable connector (Example) Drum servo path Wire soldered directly on board R-Y Y Playback R-Y signal path Recording Y signal path 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 Non-removable Board connector 6. Indication of the parts for adjustments

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