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File name:Sumo-NinePlus pwramp.pdf
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Descr:power amplifier
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File name Sumo-NinePlus pwramp.pdf

CIRCUIT TOPOLOGY COVERED BY U.S. PATENT N° 4229706 Qxx ???? MPS U55 R36 4.7k R35 100u - 55 V CR4 CR5 C14 10 R33 200 R22 R13 1meg C12 200p ~ -20V 3 LF 412CN (a) .01u 8 7- 420 REV.C 62 R23 470 R20 200p C9 100p Cxxx 100 R30 TIP 31C Q14 NEC 2SD555 C13 1 2 4 100p C10 10meg R32 Q10 Q9 Q8 Q7 Q6 .1u C11 .1u Cxyx 3010 R31 CR3 301 R21 0.2 R28 0.2 R27 0.2 R26 0.2 R25 0.2 R24 5A AGC 2.2 R39 K2 2u .001u C2 C0 .1u 45 V 100p Cxxy 470 R19 100u C7 1k MPS U55 Q13 R29 R34 (J502) output 1k R38 CR2 Cxyy 100p Q12 Cyxy .1u R10 C4 .1u LF 412CN (b) R18 470 R14 1k R7 2u K1 R37 2.2 .001u C1 10 R1 5A AGC 3320 R12 10meg 100p 7 R9 100 200p C6 R15 470 100p Cyyy Q11 Q5 R6 0.2 Q4 R5 0.2 Q3 R4 0.2 Q2 R3 0.2 Q1 R2 0.2 6 4 45 V C5 5 R16 8 ~+20V 62 .01u C200 10 R11 CR1,CR4: CR2,CR3,CR5: 1N5250B 1N4148 TIP31C MPSU55 R8 2200 CR1 C3 220u b c e e b c + 55 V SUMO NINE PLUS (later production) AMP.BD. 035-0199 REV.C

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