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E:fact ® Technical Service Data INDEX ZENITH Models SMS2549S SMS2549SM SMS2550S Parts List Coils & Transformers Miscellaneous Controls & Resistors Capacitors & Electrolytics Cabinet Parts Semiconductors, 2 pages Schematics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Location Television . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2A, 2B Television . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2C, 2D Power Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2E System Control . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A, 1B Tuner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1C, 1D Placement Chart SCHEMATIC NOTES For SAFETY use only equivalent replacement part, see parts list. Circuitry not used in some versions. Circuitry used in some versions. To purchase a complete paper version of this service manual, order PHOTOFACT ® set #3503 To place the order, contact your local Sams Distributor or call our Customer Service operation at 1-800-428-7267. Ground Chassis ground Common tie point Taken from common tie point 3 A Schematic voltage source tie point. Cabling: Heavy lines reduce use of multiple lines. Waveforms and voltages are taken from ground, unless noted otherwise. Waveforms taken with triggered scope and keyed rainbow generator. Waveform voltage is peak to peak. Timebase is per division. Waveforms shown at 10 divisions. Supply voltages maintained as seen at input. Voltages measured with digital meter and a 1000µV RF signal, with colorbar pattern, applied to antenna terminal. Controls adjusted for normal operation. Capacitors are 50 volts or less, 5% or greater unless noted. Electrolytic capacitors are 50 volts or less, 20% or greater unless noted. Resistors are 1/2W or less, 5% or greater unless noted. Value in ( ) used in some versions. Measurements with switching as shown, unless noted. Rated voltage shown on zener diodes. For E:fact ordering or information, use the following web site link. Product #083503 © Copyright 1999 Howard W. Sams & Co. All rights reserved. PARTS LIST COILS & TRANSFORMERS Item No. DY1 Function/Rating Yoke 100° Horiz .79mH Vert 10mH 22µH AFT Video Detector Audio Detector .82µH 16µH 12µH Degaussing Horizontal Linearity Ferrite Bead 68µH Ferrite Bead Mfr. Part No. 95-3608-04 COILS & TRANSFORMERS continued Item No. L3412 L3413 L3414, 15 L3499 L5500 L6000 L6001 L6012 L6090 # LX3401 # TX3200 (1) # TX3201 # TX3410 Function/Rating Ferrite Bead Ferrite Bead Ferrite Bead 120µH 1µH 10µH 68µH Line Choke Horizontal Output Horizontal Driver Horizontal Driver Regulator Mfr. Part No. 149-576-01 20-4201 149-576 20-3907-25A 20-4277-10A 20-3907-12A 20-3907-22A 95-3868-02 95-4430 95-4445 95-4442 95-4443 L1200 L1201 L1202 L1203 L1205 L2101 L2200 L2202 L2203 L3000 L3201 L3206 L3208 L3299 20-4277-26A 20-4172-12A 20-4172-05A 20-4278B 20-4277-09A 20-4277-24A 20-4277-40A 20-4330-19 20-4073-03 20-309-22A 149-576-01 TUNER L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9 L10 L13 L14 L15 L16 L17 L19 L22 L23 L30 L100 L101 L102 L103, 04 L106 L107 L108 L109 L111 L112 L113 L114 L117 L118 L

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