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File name Lenovo laptop motherboard schematic diagram.pdf

5 4 3 2 1 +VCCP +3V D 6 CPU_BSEL0 R535 R_0402 0 +-5% R534 1.2K +-1% NS R594 R_0402 8.2K +-5% VCC3_CLK BSEL0 C366 C313 C363 C315 FB22 600 OHM/1.5A C345 10uF/6.3V C_0805 FB23 600 OHM/1.5A R532 8 MCH_BSEL0 1K +-1% R533 1.2K +-1% R_0603 NS +VCCP R354 2 +-5% R_0603 0.047UF/16V 0.047UF/16V C_0402 C_0402 0.1UF/10V 0.1UF/10V C_0402 C_0402 R473 2 +-5% R_0603 C365 0.047UF/16V C_0402 C414 10uF/6.3V C_0805 +V3.3S_CLKVDD1 R496 1.2K +-1% NS R595 R_0402 0 +-5% R463 1K +-1% 8 MCH_BSEL1 R482 1.2K +-1% R_0603 NS C413 U19 VDD_A_CR C310 33PF/50V C_0603 C314 C324 R337 1 +-5% R_0603 C350 C513 Y4 0.1UF/10V 0.047UF/16V C_0402 C_0402 C312 0.047UF/16V C_0402 VDD_PCI1 6 CPU_BSEL1 14.31818MHZ C311 33PF/50V C_0603 VDD_SRC0 VDD_SRC1 VDD_SRC2 VDD_CPU VDD_A VSS_A XTAL_IN XTAL_OUT FSA/USB_48 FSB/TEST_MODE VDD_PCI0 R500 R_0402 0 +-5% BSEL1 21 28 34 42 37 38 VDD_48 VDD_REF PCI_STOP# CPU_STOP# CPU1 CPU1# CPU0 CPU0# 11 48 55 54 VDD_REF_CR 0.047UF/16V 10uF/6.3V C_0402 C_0805 C XTAL_IN +VCCP XTAL_OUT BSEL0 R352 1.2K +-1% R_0603 NS 6 CPU_BSEL2 R363 8 MCH_BSEL2 R345 R_0402 0 +-5% R362 1.2K +-1% R_0603 NS +3V R353 NS R498 10K +-5% 24 PCLK_LAN R346 R380 R379 R326 R325 BSEL1 R593 8.2K +-5% BSEL2 R_0402 1K +-1% 31 PCLK_591 R378 33 +-5% BSEL2 17 CLK48_USB R381 33 +-5% 50 49 12 16 53 5 4 3 CPU_2_ITP/SRC_7 CPU2_ITP/SRC7# SRC6/CLKREQA# SRC6#/CLKREQB# SRC5 SRC5# SRC4 SRC4# SRC3 SRC3# SRC2 SRC2# SRC1 SRC1# REF1/FSC/TEST_SEL PCI5 PCI4 PCI3 33 +-5% 33 +-5% 33 +-5% +3V 10K +-5% R_0603 26 PCLK_OZ711 16 PCLK_ICH7 14,16 SMB_CLK_ICH7 0 +-5% CGCLK_SMB 14,16 SMB_DATA_ICH7 0 +-5% CGDAT_SMB IREF For SLG8LP453. B w w w p la . s p to PCI2 56 9 8 PCI2/REQ_SEL PCIF1/DREF_SEL PCIF0/ITP_EN SCLOCK SDATA IREF PCIF0 46 47 39 13 29 45 2 6 51 DREF_SSCLK DREF_SSCLK# DOT96 DOT96# VSS_48 VSS_SRC VSS_CPU VSS_PCI0 VSS_PCI1 VSS_REF m e h c 41 40 44 43 CPU1 CPU#1 CPU0 CPU#0 ITP ITP# 36 35 33 32 31 30 26 27 24 25 22 23 19 20 PCIE5 PCIE#5 PCIE4 PCIE#4 PCIE3 PCIE#3 PCIE2 PCIE#2 PCIE1 PCIE1# RN4 0X2 1 2 3 4 RN3 0X2 R_SMT4_0402 1 2 3 4 R_SMT4_0402 RN5 0X2 1 2 NS 3 4 R_SMT4_0402 R338 10K +-5% NS R364 10K +-5% PCIE5 1 NS PCIE#5 3 PCIE#4 1 PCIE4 3 PCIE#3 1 PCIE3 3 PCIE#2 1 PCIE2 3 PCIE1# 1 PCIE1 3 STP_PCI# STP_CPU# CLK_MCH_BCLK 8 CLK_MCH_BCLK# 8 CLK_CPU_BCLK 6 CLK_CPU_BCLK# 6 6 6 CLK_ITP CLK_ITP# a 17 17 8 8 8 8 36 17 7 1 10uF/6.3V C_0805 ic t 20 20 CLK_PCIE_MCH# 8 CLK_PCIE_MCH 8 CLK_PCIE_ICH# 17 CLK_PCIE_ICH 17 For SLG8LP453 buildin Pulldown res. .c s CLK_CPU_BCLK CLK_CPU_BCLK# CLK_MCH_BCLK CLK_MCH_BCLK# DREFSSCLK DREFSSCLK# DREFCLK DREFCLK# CLK_PCIE_ICH# CLK_PCIE_ICH CLK_PCIE_SATA# CLK_PCIE_SATA CLK_PCIE_MCH m o 54.9 +-1% 54.9 +-1% 54.9 +-1% 54.9 +-1% 54.9 +-1% 54.9 +-1% 54.9 +-1% 54.9 +-1% 54.9 +-1% 54.9 +-1% 54.9 +-1% 54.9 +-1% 54.9 +-1% 54.9 +-1% D 1 1 1 NS R_0402 R316 NS R_0402 R317 NS R_0402 R318 NS R_0402 R319 NS R_0402 R497 NS R_0402 R530 NS R_0402 R389 NS R_0402 R465 NS R_0402 R505 NS R_0402 R495 NS R_0402 R456 NS R_0402 R531 1 C 17 18

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