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File name Swan 500.pdf

OPERATION and MAINTENANCE MODEL 500 SERIES Single Sideband Transceiver INTRODUCTION Swao Model 600 Single Sldoband TNnxo:Ivtr lOIfethor 'II'Ilh!1I .".'7'orl.. and option .. ' «tuJpmen~ II deolgned to be lIltd I" ~ilher CW o r SSB m<> be a>V~ Ity uaIn!r the "'flel .~(cuT he 'Of)'. Th. b ..1e tT~...-ivtt provld.. c""e.a,. of ai, porT tlon. 0/ 11>. 80 thl'(lu.h 10.- me1ft' Iml 'eu. band ·. In addition 10 tid.·· the amplJJler 01=111 wW Iu~ to II'IOft MARS /r1qUomd. MAr the 8()., 40-. and ~Q. IMIrE By utlna u.. Model 406X cryal&l .o.rillalor atGE."')'. MARS <>pH.lIon II thlll "..." n.., mOOd 600 . 1.,.1·· ldeb_cd ' lena.! by mea", of cryttaJ J.o.~ filter. and the Iran"""'",, opa-ation automatically tu ... the tr.",mlue. 10 the r«elved freqvency. PI'(IV111001 are IncludM. In tho Ir~elver lor op",.rlon 00 eilli<'r III'!)$' 0< Lawe. ,ldf:band. B... cIrN1ay or the ol.,.!. ""evenlon d"ien h.. " - p ..., In wver&l thouNnd 01 the popular S.&I> tr.,.,.lYen. M...·hnical. ~rU:aI. aDd thft-.. ..mI ltabiUty II eneptionalJy hlsh. All o..,ma'on art temperature compen...,., and volta,. '''&Ulated. Pul/>.to.talit upera'ion II ".ndanl, with p""",,"lon for plug.-t"l In lilt Mndol VX- \ aoc: ..oory Vo" unll f/l't aulo",,110 yolft controL. r-r."" " . ba... With a oulI.~ powlr lupply, operation m.~ nx~. portable, .or mobU,., Power In))lZll In.u ba ftd, ... ~oedl 480 wattl. PEP. on , I ' - lritia ... ~ wano on CWo and 12~ ...!lttt o. AM '1'111 mNld 600 includ.. o\llOm'lIe I&ln C.o .. W . (AGC).. &11210melle '""d control. (A LC). aul_tk ~ .. .., ril (ANL), and Irld block k.,_ Part I of the IZ>ltructlon nlaDU&I eover. tile b."" traz-=elver. Part!l eovero lhe uco_,KIMI ... '11 '\lppU", Model ll7.XC for., o~._.1!d Wotlol H.· 1l7 for 12·volt ok O~'li"n Put tn pmot* Il'Ifonnallon on "'art"", oat ,,' E 01-41 CONTENTS: , , A. CIRCUIT THEORY INSTALLATION OPERATION ALIGl'>I'>lE:-JT AND. -fROUB L .; SHoOTiNG Po.Ii\'~ 3 PARTS LIST POWER SlJrPLIBS ACCESSORIES SCHEMATiC Pag. 16 ,. " · n " " " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ S PEe I FIe A T JON S: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ FREQUENCY RANGES 80 40 20 15 10 M~ .. REAR PANEL CONTROLS AND CONNECTIONS Ilia. potenUomeler, CW key, ,Jo"",, pIull po ...~r oonnactilrd VFO conncc:te<. VACUUM TUBE COMPLEMENT VI V2 SI>"\\'S Vf'O Amplifier 12 II D3 Tr"nlminer Mix~r SGK6 Driv", SHF5 Pc ..'" Ampllf1er SHF5 Po..., Ampl!l!er 12BZ6 Receiver RF Ampun.r 12B£:6 Recelwr Mixer 6EWti F!nt IF Amplifier 12BM Second IF Amplifier i2AX7 Product'Clor/ Audio SBN8 AGC Ampl!l!er/RIoctlller SGK6 Audio Amplifier 7360 BaJ&nced Modulator 12BA6 Cdrrler OoclIlator 12;\X7 MI<. AmplifIer/TrilDlmlt Audio OA2 Voltage RellUlator 12BA6 100KC CaUbe"tor

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